can not uninstall ccleaner pro v5.24.5841

can not uninstall ccleaner pro v5.24.5841, can't even find it in the Apps & Features to uninstall it there. Can't upgrade or update.

Slow down, we can usually solve this type of problem but you need to explain your situation a little more. What happens when you try to install or uninstall it. Does it give an error? To be sure are you getting it from piriform or ccleaner website ( Is ccleaner still running such as monitoring (check the system tray for monitoring)?

If you are using Win 10 try typing Control Panel into search. Open it and go to Programs and Features and see if it is listed there.

Because it is such an old version it might well be listed there.

Have you looked in Program Files in your C drive to see if it is listed there? If it is open the CCleaner program file and look for uninst.exe (the uninstaller)