Can not set up schedule - error

I have CC Cleaner Pro registered for three machines including home and work. I want to have a schedule where every night around midnight, CCleaner automatically runs. I have this working on my home computer but get an error of "invalid combination of days and months" on my work computer and not sure how to fix this. I took a screenshot of my working home machine, tried duplicating the screen at work and still get an error. Screenshot of the error is attached along with my settings. I have tried different values of the starting date and deliberately picked one that would work if mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyy. Didn't help. ? (I am in the US.)

Did a search for similar problems and found the following link but the suggestions didn't help either. ☹️

I figured I would post here before trying support directly.


CC Scheduler error.jpg

I notice the "start on" date is in the past, since you want it to run at midnight try putting tomorrow's date in that box. (Just guessing here)

Thanks. I will try that and see if it solves the issue. If it does, I will update the post but it will be a few days/

I just tested this and mine will let me set a start date in the past without any problem, in fact I used the exact same settings as jflatto.


However 2 things I do note - mine is 24 hour format not AM/PM, and mine has inserted zero's before the day and month not spaces.

Which is most likely our different Windows setting and brings the next point:

@jflatto I notice from your screenshot that you have Win 10 Enterprise edition.

We have in the past seen some odd errors with users running CCleaner home version on Windows 10 Enterprise edition.

Enterprise edition is for medium/large businesses/organisations.

It is supposedly only available through Microsoft's Volume Licensing Programme and not normally available for individuals.

(You <em>can</em> buy an Enterprise license as an individual, but it's costly and Pro would be a better option because the extras with enterprise would be of no use to an individual).

Is this a works computer?

Can you schedule any other tasks in Windows Task Sceduler?

It may be that your user profile on Enterprise is not allowed to schedule tasks, that would be so the company IT department has control of them.

CCleaner home version would not have a specific error message for that, so may be showing the nearest that it has.

Thanks. I am a professor so my university work machine is running Windows 10 Enterprise. I just wanted a way to automatically clean up my browsing history like I do with my home machines. P.S. I did state it was work machine in my original posting but it may not have been clear. ? I will try changing the date to a future date and see what happens. I may just need to manually run CCleaner on my work machine. Not the end of the world. ?

That could explain it.

I think that you need to talk to your university IT department about scheduled tasks, or as you say do your cleaning manually.

However if it's just browser history that you are wanting to clean then CCleaner's Smart Cleaning will do that automatically for you when the browser is closed without any scheduling being needed.

There are various options for how Smart Ceaning will clean a browser on closing, you can set them differently for each browser:


Note that as it says there Smart Cleaning uses the Custom Clean settings, whatever you have set for a particular browser in Custom Clean is what will be cleaned for that browser.

PS. If/when you enable Smart Cleaning it will put a CCleaner icon in your System Tray near the clock, that icon will flash when you close a browser as it cleans the files, but it may be so quick that you don't notice the flashing.