can not run CCleaner in vista ultimate anymore

CCleaner used to run but now it disappears once run is clicked. It seems the problem came around the time Microsoft monthly downloads were installed. Not sure if it was a few days before or after. I remember seeing a list of questions I should answer to help with this issue but I forgot were I saw them! I also do not know why some passwords or cookies are not automatically entered or why certain web sites don't recognize me and ask the secret question only I know the answer to(this happens after I ran CCleaner.)

Is help available? I did not try and un-install and re-install CCleaner.

Welcome BDS

In CCleaner go to Options then Advanced then make sure "Close program after cleaning" is not checked.

Go to Cookies then select the cookies you want to save on the left side then click on -> to place them in "Cookies to Keep"

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