Before going to bed I decided to defragment my WD external 1 TB HD after deleting about 12 GB of files from it.
In the morning, the computer would no longer show the HD.
I've tried rebooting the computer but no luck. I've tried ejecting and disconnecting the HD from both the computer and power source, reconnecting it, and rebooting, all to no avail.
The computer simply no longer identifies the HD.
It was in good shape prior to this so I don't think it suddenly went bad simply because I used defraggler.
Has anyone had something similar happen? If so, any suggestions on what I need to do to reconnect to my HD?
while in the Mac, format it with something that's Windows compatible; FAT, exFAT or NTFS (don't use Mac's so not sure what options it allows)
then put it back in the PC and see if it shows up.
a real long shot, was it connected to the PC via USB and through a hub, if so, try not going through the hub, and try another USB port. (preferably a USB3 port as they pump out more power)
I ordered another backup drive last night and when it arrives I'll do just that.
I tested both USB3 ports in my PC with a flash drive and had no trouble at all. It was instantly recognized so I don't think it's a problem with the USB ports.
I do have another 1TB external HD as a backup but it's full. (I need to delete some old backups off of it.)
The WD HD is a My Book Essentials, not the passport. It has its own power source.
When I plug it into the USB port I get absolutely nothing. There are no dings, no clicks, and no notice of external media. Its as if it wasn't there.
I don't know if the HD is on the verge of failure or what. I didn't have any trouble with it prior to running the defraggler.
I've used defraggler before and it has worked wonderfully, without issues, so I don't know if it was something the defraggler did or simply identified.