Can I use CCleaner on a SSD disk?

I have a SSD disk (500 GB) and Windows 10 Prof (1909) and I wonder if I can use CCleaner Prof on it.

If so how shall I use it for cleaning the disk?

What shall I NOT use for cleaning the disk?

Yes you can. You'll want to turn off any multiple delete passes though (no 35 wipes).

There is no reason why not to use CCleaner with an SSD.

The only caveats I can think of off the top of my head are not to use secure deletion, don't tick 'wipe free space' in CustomClean, and don't use the 'Drive wiper' tool.

None of those are needed or desirable with a SSD.

Edit - And don't use the Registry Cleaner with Windows 10. (SSD or HDD).