c:\smft is corrupt and unreadable..

I have just finished running CC and got the following message:

c:\smft is corrupt and unreadable.

chkdsk utility.

CCleaner.exe - corrupt file

I am a total novice at this so have no idea what to do :( .... I am using Vista Home and this is the 3rd time I have run CC - no problems in the past. Help!

Welcome special_lady

Please read the following to see if you are having the same symptoms:



Welcome special_lady

Please read the following to see if you are having the same symptoms:



Thanks for the welcome, YoKenny, and for your suggestions.

I have tried the first link you suggested and discovered that, in fact, on the last 3 of 4 occasions I turned on laptop I was informed that one of my disks was corrupt; chkdsk run and errors corrected or recovered...... not exactly sure as it goes too fast for me and last time I tried screen snatch it did not work - my lack in IT eduction I presume!!! :lol:

I'll try second link and get back to you later - will also check what version CC I am using - I think its version 9, but reading through these threads am afraid to update in case I have more problems.


Special Lady