c cleaner not deleting files

c cleaner analyses but does not delete files

g'day david and welcome to the forum.

can you tell us what version of Windows and CCleaner you are running?

and what happens when you click Run CCleaner?

any error message, does the progress bar show any movement?

I’ve had this same issue on my dad’s computer.

Eventually found out there was a virus active on his pc that created two lines in the registers that prohibited CCleaner to work properly.

Before deleting those line CCleaner stuck on 2% scanning and eventually crashed.

After deleting those lines it worked like a charm ??

Fixed it by installing Malwarebytes. Rebooted Win10Pro into save mode. Scanned the C drive. When you delete the quarentined files it tells you to reboot. It will do a normal boot back to windows.

After booted in windows run Malwarebytes again, and found a few more files and the two register lines poped up.

When those are deleted it worked fine again ??

Several recent versions of CCleaner have been buggy and have the behavior of crashing for some people -- without it being virus related.