C Cleaner blocking secure logins

After recently running CCleaner I can no longer login to sites such as Hotmail, Facebook, Yahoo Mail etc. Also some websites, such as accomaodation sites, wont allow me to view their booking screens. There must be something common to the types of sites that I can not access.

I think that, in my naieviety, I have allowed CCleaner to change something on the compluter that now means that I can not access these sites. Does anyone have any idea what it might be and if so how to fix it?

One friend has said it is to do with Firewall settings. This happened once before after runnign CCleaner and said friend was able to fix the issue but this time can't remember exactly what they did. I'm running Windows XP. if that is important.



After recently running CCleaner I can no longer login to sites such as Hotmail, Facebook, Yahoo Mail etc. Also some websites, such as accomaodation sites, wont allow me to view their booking screens. There must be something common to the types of sites that I can not access.

I think that, in my naieviety, I have allowed CCleaner to change something on the compluter that now means that I can not access these sites. Does anyone have any idea what it might be and if so how to fix it?

One friend has said it is to do with Firewall settings. This happened once before after runnign CCleaner and said friend was able to fix the issue but this time can't remember exactly what they did. I'm running Windows XP. if that is important.



Hi Gareth,

First thing to do is turn off Adobe/Macromedia Flash Player on the Cleaner > Applications tab. This is the most likely culprit.

Briefly, "Flash Cookies" are becoming more and more common since the data they contain is encrypted.

These are stored by Adobe/Macromedia Flash Player.

You can do a "search" for "Macromedia" or "flask cookies" on the forums for more info.


:) davey


CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

Beginners advice

Start here with this link and follow its advice.


Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.

P.S. You will have to reactivate or renew (whatever they call it) so their computer will store this information again on your PC.

Look here and you will find folders that contain all these .SOL files. Yes, even some men's favorite sites are storing things there. Sorry guys you are going to have Include these in your CCleaning Options > Include or some very explicit .com names are going to be in your PC. Or vice-versa you clean it all and Exclude the ones you want to keep.

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\96XXX5R2 This last part is different per user

Sorry for the slow repsonse mate! Tried out your sugestion and it fixed the sittuation - thanks for your help!

Sorry for the slow repsonse mate! Tried out your sugestion and it fixed the sittuation - thanks for your help!

Thank you for your update. No matter how long it takes, it is still important for other users, including us, to know the results.

There are many new users that will benefit from your response. :P

:) davey