after defragging my harddisc there should be 2 fragmented files with 12 fragments. But in the detailed screen with the nice red squares there are mor then 70 fragments. Please have a look at the screenshot.
Is this a bug or are there wurmholes on my harddisc?
after defragging my harddisc there should be 2 fragmented files with 12 fragments. But in the detailed screen with the nice red squares there are mor then 70 fragments. Please have a look at the screenshot.
Is this a bug or are there wurmholes on my harddisc?
Hi Nightbee,
How do like your worms? Over easy or well-done ? Just kidding. I think there is a bug when defragginng the "whole drive" . I have noticed such misleading figures but I am not positive that it was a cut and dried type thing. I may have defragged some files and stopped. Then came back to original window and selected defrag there. I had a few interruptions and I can't recall exactly. But I definitely had some weird figures as your snap shot shows.
Do you remember the exact sequence that you performed ?