when I unisnstalled iTunes from my pc and restart then, used cclener to eliminate old regedit keys and clean old files of old installations, CCleaner don?t eliminate *.itl files from iTunes.
sorry for my english
when I unisnstalled iTunes from my pc and restart then, used cclener to eliminate old regedit keys and clean old files of old installations, CCleaner don?t eliminate *.itl files from iTunes.
sorry for my english
When a "good" application is un-installed, it cleans up after itself.
iTunes appears to be the other sort of animal.
When you install it, it dumps lots of other Apple rubbish on the system,
and when you un-install it the Start menu link is definitely removed,
but what else is removed is any-one's guess.
In your case you still have *.itl files, which suggests that iTunes failed to remove at least some of its folders and files, and CCleaner will have seen enough iTunes rubbish cluttering your drive it to have every reason to think iTunes was still present and still needed its *.itl files.
When a "good" application is un-installed, it cleans up after itself.
iTunes appears to be the other sort of animal.
When you install it, it dumps lots of other Apple rubbish on the system,
and when you un-install it the Start menu link is definitely removed,
but what else is removed is any-one's guess.
In your case you still have *.itl files, which suggests that iTunes failed to remove at least some of its folders and files, and CCleaner will have seen enough iTunes rubbish cluttering your drive it to have every reason to think iTunes was still present and still needed its *.itl files.
I?m uninstall Itunes and restar my pc, but, when run CCleaner, don?n found any about *.itl, in this case, i reintall old version of itunes, then itunes show me the files *.itl and tell me "this files is a more recente version of itunes library", I think that cclener can be deleted this files when the software is unisntalled.
thx for your attention
PD: I delete de files manually whith Unlocker