I tried newest CCleaner version and I found these problems:
1-File Cleaner works well, but is a little bit slow when deleting custom files... seems it is searching again for them... wouldn't it be more efficient to keep the list of found files and just delete them instead searching again?
2-Reg Cleaner is not detecting many empty keys:
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-456795690-10365130-2382912392-1006\Software\ (I think it's current user, so it may vary the last numbers)
Note: Empty keys in HKLM\software are detected.
3- Reg Cleaner does not detect invalid information at:
For example:
In this case, InstallSource key points to an inexistent folder. However in the same reg folder there is unistallation data like: publisher, size, installdate, which by itself is useful, but not if InstalSource folder is retrieved.
4-As above, there are many invalid paths at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Updates\Windows XP\
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Updates\Windows XP\SP4\KB973687\UninstallCommand\
The sp file was deleted, but uninstall information is still present.
I hope somebody could give me an answer if I am wrong, thanks.