Bug Report [C:\Windows\Temp\9wn35dl8.tmp is corrupt or unreadable]

I just downloaded version CCleaner 2.14.750 (Standard Build), and ran it. The program runs and deletes the files, but afterwards I got an error message on my system tray (in a traytip) with title "CCleaner.exe - Corrupt File" and said "The file or directory C:\Windows\Temp\9wn35dl8.TMP is\ncorrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility." (with "\n" being the newline character)

I ran CCleaner multiple times, without restarting, and the same error popped up, with the same file beng corrupt/unreadable).

Below is a screenshot of the error.



I downloaded the portable version and got the same error (same file name and all).

The traytip pops up while the files are being cleaned, not afterwards.


Maybe some malware infection trying to "protect itself" but that's just speculation as it could be anything. Although I do notice the Security Center alert in your systray near the clock.