[Bug] Files in a folder don't get erased

For example I have this entry in winapp2.ini and all the .log files in

C:\Documents and Settings\ddelgado\Configuraci?n local\Datos de programa\Adobe\Updater5

are still there no matter you pass the CCleaner all over... The weird thing... is that the next line (the install path with RECURSE) works perfectly cause all inside that Install folder get deleted...

[*Adobe Reader 8]LangSecRef=3021Detect=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AVGeneralDefault=TrueFileKey1=%userprofile%\Configuraci?n local\Datos de programa\Adobe\Updater5|*.logFileKey2=%userprofile%\Configuraci?n local\Datos de programa\Adobe\Updater5\Install|*.*|RECURSE

Note: I think there are still some unfixed issues with non english paths...

I made that winapp2.ini entry and know it works on my English version of WinXP SP2.

The problem could be the usage of the %userprofile% variable, but I honestly don't know for sure.

Perhaps try this (I have no idea if it will work, and if it does work it means a winapp2.ini overhaul is in order to work with other languages):

[*Adobe Reader 8]LangSecRef=3021Detect=HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AVGeneralDefault=TrueFileKey1=%appdata%\Adobe\Updater5|*.logFileKey2=%appdata%\Adobe\Updater5\Install|*.*|RECURSE

%appdata% is substituted with C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Datos de programa and the real folder where is Adobe folder is C:\Documents and Settings\MY USERNAME\Configuraci?n local\Datos de programa so is not gonna work for sure... cause CCleaner won't find the folder to clean...