Deleted History via Internet Options’ Delete button under the General Tab. …and it seems to hang!
Also, I’m not sure if this is the correct directory but, “C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files” is not accessible. I’m met with a window titled “Location is not available”, and a message stating “(said directory) is not accessible. Access is denied.”
This might be a problem with Windows, User Accounts and not CCleaner.
I FOUND THE ANSWER. I know your post was back in May, but a search for “CC hangs” comes up with this thread CURRENTLY #4 in google. FIRST of all, I’m a big fan of CCleaner. Thanks for making a difference in this world!
SECOND, help for everyone who’s searching for a solution to your issue, the EXACT same issue I faced for the past few days. THE SOLUTION IS EASY. But first, a brief explanation:
YES, CC seems to hang at “Internet Explorer”, but that’s only because that’s one of the very first areas that’s cleaned by CCleaner. I tried all different solutions, and the only one I found actually immediately solved my problem was ADDING CCleaner folder as an EXCEPTION to your Windows Security Essentials.
'Nuf talk! The SOLUTION is simple. JUST DO THIS:
Open Windows Security Essentials
Go to Settings tab
Go down to “Excluded files & locations”
Then add the CCleaner folder as an excluded location by hitting “BROWSE” button, then browse to (usually): C:\Program Files:\CCleaner …and hit “ADD”. It’ll then show up in the lower pane.
That's it. Now Windows Security Essentials won't stop CCleaner every time it's trying to clean your computer and make your life simpler! (P.S. This same exclusion "trick" is really helpful for OTHER folders for programs that you know & trust where you don't want constant interference).
Hope this helps…and wow…just in time for Christmas! Did my good deed, lol. Good luck everyone.
You can clearly see from the OP's screenshot that he's using Avast and Comodo, not MSE so your solution won't work. Anyways I'll close this old resurrected topic now.