Anyone know a good way to record a message left on the BT 1571 voicemail to my computer?
E.G. What software to use etc?
Anyone know a good way to record a message left on the BT 1571 voicemail to my computer?
E.G. What software to use etc?
No idea...
No idea...
No idea...
He's a helpful lil' booger, ain't he? j/k
I only have one suggestion, and it isn't all that great of one, but it should work. Does this phone/receiver have any outputs, such as an 1/8" jack? If so, you can buy a cheap 1/8" male to male cable (around $4 at RadioShack), and connect it to your computer's audio input. Then, download some free recording application (such as Audacity), and use it to record your messages from your phone's output to your computer's audio input. Then you can save this audio as a wav, or mp3, or whatever you want. Also, Audacity lets you do some simple editing, so you can get rid of blank sections or raise the volume when people talk quietly.