Brian Wilson - That Lucky Old Sun

A new one from the mastermind behind the beach boys was just released. Its called Lucky Old Sun.

I'm not sure if anyone here would be interested but I've just been listening to this album like crazy! I'm not even a huge fan of the beach boys and there are a few songs on here that I cant stop listening too. Its a throwback to 60's beach music(no surprise there I guess) but hes on his own on this one. His voice isn't as strong as it once was but the music is fun and infinitely appealing to listen too. I'm a little surprised that I like this so much. :lol:

You cant hear whole songs but you can get a pretty good feel for it here:

Check out morning beat, if I had to pick a single that would be it. Dont listen to the naratives or you will think I'm crazy. :P Oh and california role is a fun song that you can listen to all the way through. The whole album is great though.

Just listened to some of the tracks and you're right, Morning Beat is the best of the bunch, it makes you feel good just listening to it :)

I think the whole album is good.

Its definitely not as creative or inventive as his last album(Smile) but it doesn't sound as antiquated either(that one was basically finished in the 60's though). In a lot of people's eyes hes on the same level as the beatles (not me) so its interesting to see what a recording artist who changed the game back the(pet sounds is amazing to this day) can do with todays technology. He went for a stripped down simple vibe and it worked great.

I hope this album sells well because I would like to hear more! :D

Oh and if your in the US I got it at target for under $10.