I have only just found CCleaner (sorry, don't quite know where I've been all these years) and clicking the analyse button seems to throw up the entire contents of my computer for removal, 307MB to be removed!!!!
Is this normal? or will I find that it will be reduced to a calculator after using this?
My original problem that I was looking for a fix for, was my wifes computer (which doesn't have a lot of memory) seems quite slow now, and using all the usual spyware removal tools has made some difference but (she says) not enough. I must admit, CCleaner does look good but I'm just a bit worried about hitting the 'run cleaner' button for the first time!!
We've all had the same experience. The first time CCleaner finds a ton of stuff! You should be OK letting it clean whatever it finds but if you have XP you could do a system restore first for peace of mind and CCleaner will also ask you if you want to do a backup before cleaning the registry just to be safe as well.