ok this is what i want to do, i tried doing it a little while ago but i could not get it to work. what i want to do is have a computer that connects to a wireless network and the is connected to another computer via an ethernet cable. i tried doing this before but i would try and share the local area connection the wireless network would be lost. does anyone know how to do this.
Before you share your internet connection can you connect to the internet and also connect to your other computer as well?
I had sort of the same setup with my laptop a while back (wired cable to my xbox and wireless internet connection though a router, although I never shared the internet through it). The only thing that game me trouble was trying to have both on the same subnet. What I had to do was have my router give my wireless connection a subnet of 1 and set my wired connection to a subnet of 0. For example, my wireless network used while my wired connection used the ip Aside from that I dont kno since I dislike most any microsoft service, especially potentially unsecure internet connection sharing.
Install 2 network cards on the pc connected to the net, make sure you have 2 functioning ethernet ports, and connect with a crossover cable. Microsoft forgot to mention the 2 cards. Bear in mind that sharing the connection means sharing it's ability, so there is not much to be gained with a slow connection except slower.
I'm with gunner on this. You would be much better off just getting another wireless card. (maybe you could try one of those USB key things. Never tried one though)
I bought one from Netgear a while back, and it works great! I don't understand why anyone would spend the money on a PCMCIA wireless card (or a PCI adapter, for that matter). My USB adapter has identical range and speed, and I'm not limited to using it in only a notebook or desktop; I can use it in both. Also, buying a USB adapter doesn't cost a dime more than one for PCI (-X) or PCMCIA slot.
If you're going to get a new wireless adapter, and you have a free USB 2.0 port, don't hesitate to buy one.
Thanks for that lokoike. Those are actually a little less expensive to right?
I'm not sure. Mine is a 108 Mbps, and it cost about $50 (but I got it on sale; I think it's usually closer to $70). I was at Staples today, and I saw some PCI 108 Mbps adapters for about $70, so maybe the USB ones are a little cheaper.
the reason i need to connect it in this way is because it it my xbox. and as far as i know there are no wireless adapters that will work with it. i will try that thing with the thing with changing the subnet thing, thank you.
also i dont like those usb adapters, iv never used one but it looks like if a gentle breeze came it would snap off
Here is a link that could help you out, i kno its for macs, but it is much the same setup with a windows based network.
Oh I no what you want now. You need an access point. I have one that I use to play socom on my ps2 with. Works pretty well.
Ofcourse he could always buy a Microsoft Wireless-G Xbox Adapter and just use his routers dhcp to assign his box a ip and gateway.
Never used one of those personally as my xbox is modded and about 2 feet away from my router making it very easy to share one internet connection.
Ofcourse he could always buy a Microsoft Wireless-G Xbox Adapter and just use his routers dhcp to assign his box a ip and gateway.
That thing costs as much as a linksys access point. At least he could use that for other stuff as well.
That thing costs as much as a linksys access point. At least he could use that for other stuff as well.
True, but isnt having another piece of microsoft hardware worth every penny?
True, but isnt having another piece of microsoft hardware worth every penny?
console gaming sucks!
console gaming sucks!
no it dosent.
I have been really liking socom 3 lately. Online play with it is pretty flawless.
halo 2 forever
halo 2 forever
Not a fan of it. I friend next door plays it all the time and I have played it a good bit but I dont like it all that much. I hate the shield system, get shot just run away.
well every1 can have their own opinion, ur wrong though lol
well every1 can have their own opinion, ur wrong though lol
so true, everyones got an opinion.