Boot time defrag unchecks itself every update

The title pretty much says it all. This has been a constant issue for as long as I have used this feature. Every time I have it all set the way I want it, I install a new version over the top of the old one and ALL custom settings copy over EXCEPT the boot time defrag always unchecks the box so I have to go click it again (poor me, LOL). I don't see any listings in the registry that sound logical for it in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\Defraggler or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Piriform\Defraggler. I was hoping perhaps I could add it to a logoff script as a work-around.

Yes (as I recall) boot time is a runonce, this is by design and, imho, how it should be

It does give an option for "run once" and one for "run every time". It does however uncheck both of those and revert to "disabled". It retains the "run every time" setting UNTIL an in-place update is installed then it disables it. Is that really by design?

No, I guess I've just not looked at that section of the options in a bit to see the run always (I use a portable version and thus my boot time is greyed out. My apologies for that bit of (unsure at the onset) incorrect information.

Nergal, I appreciate you taking the time to look and answer anyway!

I hopefully will get to a PC soon, so if nobody else has, i'll see if I can recreate this.

Take heart the development team reads all threads, though they only reply if they need more information or cannot recreate it themselves.

Mine does this on every computer, and has for a long time. The way I have always done it was just to install the newer version right over the previous one. I didn't uninstall it first.

It isn't a big deal, but finally bugged me enough to report it. Thank you guys for your great software.