Boot and run Linux from a USB flash memory stick

Interesting site and an interesting slant for anyone interested in Linux. A host of tutorials on all aspects of Linux can be found here:

There is also a repository of 14 different Linux versions.

Linux Live CD/DVD repository:

This is just a simple link repository of some of the hottest Live Linux CD/DVD compilations available today. Each version listed contains direct link to the download page for that version. We hope you find this list useful. If there is a Live Linux version that you feel should be added to the list, feel free to contact us and let us know.


Included in these is a System Rescue CD.

Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM for repairing your system and your data after a crash

These can be found here:

And while on the subject, another interesting article on Linux, of which some may already be aware, but for those who aren`t.....

French Government Gives Green Light To Linux:

TAKEAWAY: The French parliament has approved a move to open source beginning in June 2007 in an effort to cut costs, according to this story. Government servers will run Linux and desktops will include Linux, Firefox and OpenOffice, as well as other open source apps. As an analyst from research firm NPD points out, however, open source does not guarantee cost savings. Sometimes, he says, training and support costs are high.

This can be found here:


gonna use linux on my next pc,i found it to be pretty kool when ive used it

If your going to do that xana make sure that if you buy a premade pc that you research first to make sure the hardware is supported first.

If your going to build it then make sure you research each component because you may end up with something incompatible with linux.(the hardware support is lacking in linux. If it works its great, if not its a nightmare.)

ah cheers for the advice,didnt actually cross my mind to think about that.wud buy a premade pc myself,will definitely triple check everything if i decide to get linux os,always prefer to use caution concerning things im new @.

wat other operating systems wud u recommend getting/checking besides mac and linux?only really know those 2+windows

Well, those are the only other 2 besides windows I would consider.(there is solaris and bsd but they are just branches off of linux from what I know).

I hear all this talk about ubuntu being the best linux distro for new users, but I don't know if I agree with that. I'm by no means mr.linux user or anything but I have tried a bunch of different distros. Personally I though mepis and mandriva were easier to use than ubuntu.(plus I like kde better than gnome)

I have pretty much made up my mind that the next desktop computer I will buy is going to be either a mac mini or imac. The mac mini is probably the one I get just because its cheaper but the imac is nicer and the monitor/tower is built in one unit.

Right now though I've decided that I'm pretty content with xp.(everything is networked together and just works)

I have a vista coupon for my laptop but I've decided that I'm not going to install it.

but the imac is nicer and the monitor/tower is built in one unit.

When I bought my pc earlier last year, the guy in pcworld was showing off the mac he had just acquired, monitor & tower in one (arrogant git).

You don`t tell a customer who`s just forked out his hard earned cash, that he`s just got one better than yours. Even if it might be the truth.

I hope he gets a virus up his a**e. :o


yeah macs are sexy.cant see myself sticking with windows once i get rid of this old pc.chances are you gonna get a virus be4 the pc world worker Dennis ;)

If you had this it would be hard not to brag :D

If there is such a thing as a sexy machine thats it. :P

They are a little pricey:

But to be honest if you buy nice PCs than your probably spending that much too.(you have to think you want a nice monitor as well)

You probably are getting a more powerfull machine with the pc but with the mac your getting rock solid hardware/software that were tailor made for each other.(then you can also rule out viruses, spyware, ect)

But then again the macs don't have as much software(but you get better stuff out of the box. Ilife is pretty damn cool)

rridgely, that first link made me drool. Absolutely stunning. And you could move it around the house like a laptop.

Your second link made me cry. How could ya. :(

And I`ll lay money that whatever they cost in the states, they`ll probably cost 50% more over here.

One day my better half and me are gonna sell this house. Too big.

Get ourselves a nice little bungalow, with fitted iMac.

Got to get your priorities right. Right.
