Given the popularity of Trend Micro?s free online scanner HouseCall, it shouldn?t be a surprise that hackers are now trying to exploit it for their benefit.
Advanced Threats Researcher Ivan Macalintal found this unwelcome search result that comes up when a user searches for ?free online virus scan by Trend Micro? in Google:
That looks like the work of the antivirus2008/2009 infecter gang that have become quite prolific recently and the reason that so many systems have become infected lately:
This is why I advise friends, family and all to come here and read and only use links provided from this forum.
Google is a great product and necessary but NO ONE should use any search engine links for so-called security software or advice. There are too many "phony providers" and even "phony forums" being set up.
Google is a great product and necessary but NO ONE should use any search engine links for so-called security software or advice.
I like and use McAfee SiteAdvisor but it is only an indicator that the site has been rated so here it is rated Green and dubious sites are Yellow and dangerous sites are Red with unrated sites Grey that signifies to me that it could be a new malware distributing site.
There are other facilities such as Finjan, Link Advisor and Web of Trust ( WoT ) that can be used as an indication of a site's trustworthiness.