blue screen error stop:0x0000007e

hey friends i got this blue screen error of death jst at the start of

windows xp media center loading---stop:0x0000007e

(0xc0000005,0xf887018e,0xf8918748,0xf8918444) hp pavilion dv2000

had been affected by many blue errors which were cured bt can sum1 help

me through dis plzzzzz..panda av 2008 detected many spyware on my pc

which i deleted...actually i have 2 center is now

showing blue screen xp pro is help me what can i

do to get away from dis blue screen error............thnx in advance

my main problem is that i cant even open

my screen comes when windows starts..

Hi guana, it would help if you mentioned you'd posted this problem on 4 other forums, and have already received some pretty good advice.

It would save us posting suggestions that you've already received at those other places.

You've been into safe mode following the advice you previously received, but I didn't find any info on what you actually did in safe mode.

Going from your other topic in this section, you've just installed some new/updated drivers.

Driver installs/updates (in particular HP), are often the cause of BSOD's. If that's the case, you need to go into safe mode and uninstall any drivers you have updated or installed, and see if that solves your problem.

Other than that, I'm afraid I can't add anything to the advice you've already received from the other forums.

Hi guana, it would help if you mentioned you'd posted this problem on 4 other forums, and have already received some pretty good advice.

It would save us posting suggestions that you've already received at those other places.

You've been into safe mode following the advice you previously received, but I didn't find any info on what you actually did in safe mode.

Going from your other topic in this section, you've just installed some new/updated drivers.

Driver installs/updates (in particular HP), are often the cause of BSOD's. If that's the case, you need to go into safe mode and uninstall any drivers you have updated or installed, and see if that solves your problem.

Other than that, I'm afraid I can't add anything to the advice you've already received from the other forums.

hey friend ,i cant even start windows in safe mode...

i repaired using my xp media center by boot disk...which was

going ok but in b\w installing windows procedure dis error occur

stop:0x0000007e (0xc0000005,0xf89c318e,0xf8a47740,0xf8a4743c)

hpqkbfiltr.sys -addres f89c318e base at f89c0000,

date stamp 46770333

begining dump of physical memory

physical memory dump complete

so wat should i do now with hpqkbfiltr.sys bcoz it is stopping me to

repair xp media center

First of all, I'm not your friend.

Secondly, after your sarcastic reply to my polite pm informing you I had deleted your duplicate post in the Lounge I'm locking this thread.

Thirdly, I suggest you take the advice you received today on this forum:

Cut your losses - back up your important files and reinstall your operating system.