Blank webpages

Hi everyone,

After waking up my laptop by reopening its lid, I find all of my opened browser tabs (20 or so of them) are blank. If I wait for a few minutes, eventually their content reappear.

I'm using the latest Windows 10 version. My PC is a Lenovo Yoga 700 with 12 GB of RAM and 512 GB SSD.

This can't be my fault, can it??



It sounds as if you have your laptop set to 'sleep' when you close the lid.

So when you wake it up again by reopening the lid it has to reload from memory/disc whatever you had running when you closed the lid.

Then it has to connect to the router, once the router has accepted the wifi connection then your browser can go and fetch each webpage to refresh it and display it.

Your antivirus, or CCleaner browser itself, may be adding to the mix by not letting the browser fetch/display anything until the AV/browser has checked home for any definition updates.

All pretty normal, but you may want to check if changing the 'Suspend inactive tabs' setting in CCleaner Browser makes any difference?

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Tabs that you’re not using will be automatically suspended in the background depending on your computer’s available memory. Why? Because we’ve found it can reduce the amount of CPU and RAM the browser uses by as much as 50%. You can control these settings from the Performance Manager section in the browser settings page.

4 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Pretty normal?  I've NEVER had this issue with Chrome, Edge or Firefox.  I've noticed CCLEANER is using much less RAM though, the reason I use it.  But, even though I've been using CCLEANER for months now, this issue I'm having is brand-new.  Syspend Inactive Tabs is already set to ON.  Hope a fix comes soon, or I will have to switch to perhaps the new Edge???

It might have been better to mention all that in the first place, the more info you can give about an issue the better.

What, typically, is in these 20 tabs that you have open?

(A forum, a shopping site like Amazon, You tube videos, TV/film streaming, etc.?).

There's couple of tests you can do to try and narrow down what the problem may be.

Suspend Inactive Tabs is a fairly new setting so let's look at that first:

(I do have a suspicion of what <em>might</em> be happening if you put a laptop to sleep with that setting on).

As you say you currently have 'suspend inactive tabs' set to ON then try setting it to OFF, visit each tab in turn then close the lid and wait a while, reopen the lid and see if that has changed the time it takes those tabs to refresh/reload.

That will tell you/us if it's that setting causing an issue with waking from sleep.

If nothing has changed then:

What happens if you only have one or two tabs open (say to something simple like the google homepage) when you close then reopen the lid?

Is it still as slow to reload that single tab?

(Does it change if you have 'suspend inactive tabs' on or off?)

If it's only affecting CCleaner browser, and only recently, then you have to suspect that it's a change to the browser causing it.

Although it doesn't help that Win 10 updates at least every month so you always have to bear that in mind as well.

For instance I've noticed a slowdown in the loading times of various apps since I updated to Win10 2004, but not to the extent that you report.

After that Windows update my Firefox in particular did get very slow to load, around 40 secs, but a Firefox refresh sorted that out and it's back down to about 5 or 6 secs.

We haven't seen any other reports of tabs in CCleaner Browser suddenly becoming slow to load. (yet?).

It may be that there is an issue with closing the laptop to put it to sleep when you have multiple tabs open, but without further reports/testing it's hard to tell.

Obviously if it's a widespread problem then it needs to be looked at by the browser developers.

On the other hand if it isn't widespread then it's more likely to be a setting (or an application conflict) on a particular users machine and modifying/updating the browser would be unlikely to fix that.

8 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		As you say you currently have 'suspend inactive tabs' set to ON then try setting it to OFF

This. The suspending active tabs function is specifically to stop inactive tabs grinding away in the background devouring RAM, CPU cycles and battery as other browsers are often wont to do.

8 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		What, typically, is in these 20 tabs that you have open?

And this is probably the key "is it a bug or a feature" question - especially if the pages are of the type that are constantly dynamically refreshing themselves, live streams, etc. @SSL: specific cases to point the devs at would be very handy, please.

Opening the lid on my Win10 laptop and resuming from sleep sometimes requires a system reboot just for the Internet to work if/when connected directly with a wired LAN Ethernet cable, not so much of a repeatable issue if using WiFi. I would think it would be the opposite, but that's Windows.

On 06/07/2020 at 14:51, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		It sounds as if you have your laptop set to 'sleep' when you close the lid.

		So when you wake it up again by reopening the lid it has to reload from memory/disc whatever you had running when you closed the lid.

		Then it has to connect to the router, once the router has accepted the wifi connection then your browser can go and fetch each webpage to refresh it and display it.

		Your antivirus, or CCleaner browser itself, may be adding to the mix by not letting the browser fetch/display anything until the AV/browser has checked home for any definition updates.

		All pretty normal, but you may want to check if changing the 'Suspend inactive tabs' setting in CCleaner Browser makes any difference?


Today, the issue has not occurred! <s> As for the tabs content, no video, just plain HTML stuff.

8 hours ago, SSL said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Today, the issue has not occurred!

So it was turning OFF 'suspend inactive tabs' that solved it for you?

No, but the problem came right back. I'm now testing it with that setting OFF. So far, no issue. Time will tell.

5 hours ago, SSL said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		No, but the problem came right back.  I'm now testing it with that setting OFF.  So far, no issue.  Time will tell.

So far so good when it is OFF. Still no reoccurrences ...

Good, please keep us posted.

Unfortunately with things like this (laptop going to sleep) it takes a while to properly test and see if changing something has worked.

You have to let it go to sleep and wake up as you would normally use it, which of course takes time if you only normally let it sleep once a day.

2 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Good, please keep us posted.

		Unfortunately with things like this (laptop going to sleep) it takes a while to properly test and see if changing something has worked.

		You have to let it go to sleep and wake up as you would normally use it, which of course takes time if you only normally let it sleep once a day.

I open and close the lid several dozen times a day.

8 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Good, please keep us posted.

		Unfortunately with things like this (laptop going to sleep) it takes a while to properly test and see if changing something has worked.

		You have to let it go to sleep and wake up as you would normally use it, which of course takes time if you only normally let it sleep once a day.

The issue seems to be fixed now. Thanks to you. BTW, nuclear and beer don't mix. It'll blow in your face! <g>

Good to hear it seems to be sorted for you.

Many of the people in my town work, or have worked, in the nuclear industry.

We've not blown up yet, but a reactor did catch fire 63 years ago.

It's an interesting story if you don't know it, - people in PVC overalls and WW2 gas masks pushing uranium fuel rods out of the burning reactor with scaffolding poles:

More technical:

We are still cleaning it up. (Not me personally).

2 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Good to hear it seems to be sorted for you.

		Many of the people in my town work, or have worked, in the nuclear industry.

		We've not blown up yet, but a reactor did catch fire 63 years ago.

		It's an interesting story if you don't know it, - people in PVC overalls and WW2 gas masks pushing uranium fuel rods out of the burning reactor with scaffolding poles:

		More technical:

		We are still cleaning it up. (Not me personally).

Sorry, I was referring to the beer as the dangerous component, especially when handling nuclear materials. <g>

Nah, I don't touch the active stuff, (well maybe a little active test/calibration piece now and again), I was an engineering designer for equipment/pipework/fabrications/robots/etc. needed on the site.

My first job here was designing a new cooling system for the 4 decomissioned Calder Hall reactors, specifying the equipment/piping for it and laying it all out to fit in the old buildings.

They haven't had fuel in for years but the casings are still radioactive and hot, I changed the old Carbon Dioxide cooling system which was used when it was active to a dried air system, much more environmentally friendly (and cheaper to run).

Now beer I do touch, about an hour from now I'll be in the pub.

On 09/07/2020 at 03:41, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Good, please keep us posted.

		Unfortunately with things like this (laptop going to sleep) it takes a while to properly test and see if changing something has worked.

		You have to let it go to sleep and wake up as you would normally use it, which of course takes time if you only normally let it sleep once a day.

The issue is back even with setting OFF.

If this is happening only under battery power while not plugged into the charging brick I wonder if it's related to a Windows battery saving power setting.

Perhaps a longer shot, but I'd also try disabling hardware acceleration in CCleaner Browser. (If it is enabled).

Using hardware acceleration (in any browser/app) can be the cause of various display issues.

13 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		If this is happening only under battery power while not plugged into the charging brick I wonder if it's related to a Windows battery saving power setting.

I just realized I had a webpage from YouTube open. This happens even when the laptop is plugged in.