Black screen after grahics driver update from "Standard VGA Graphics"

Quick summary of my HP Pavillion m9152p Elite Desktop...

Operating System

MS Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit SP2

Installation Date: 31 January 2009, 13:10


Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

Kentsfield 65nm Technology


4.0GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 333MHz 5-5-5-15

Basically a 24" full 1080p High-Definition LCD Monitor with the necessary onboard graphics chipset (computer)

to completely support true 1080p High-Difinition Audio/Video.

And the issue at hand...

My basic problem is that I end up with a blank/black screen after I install the proper grahics driver. The HP boot screen shows up properly, the loading Windows screen shows up properly, and the Welcome screen also shows up properly. When I log on to any account, even an admistrater user account, I end up with a black screen. so I roll back to the basic "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" which does not support any DirectX features at all. But I can actually see what I am doing, typing write now with the "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" installed.

This is what I have noticed below;

Currently I have

"Device \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0" in the Grahics Tab under Moniter of Piriform Speccy.

But after I update to the proper Intel P35/G33/G31 Grahics chipset, I have

"Device \\.\DISPLAY1\" in the Grahics Tab under Moniter of Piriform Speccy.

I used to have a nVidia Graphics card which is currently completly none-operable, so I thought I would just use the onboard graphics until I could afford to buy a new Graphics Card (still like nVidia). It has been over 3 months now and I cannot take this low-grade display abilities that I only seem to get to work.

Intel Support does not have any useful comments that work, HP Support tells me to buy a new grahics card, and Microsoft still has not replied in any manner to my issue.

With nothing of DirectX supported by the "Standard VGA Grahics Driver", although DirectX 11.00 is installed properly, I end up with several system errors. I cannot use Microsoft Movie Maker by any means. I have the Nero 9 Suite. Well most of the Nero 9 Suite that involves graphics, Nero Showtime & Nero Vision, simply locks or crashes my system. I had no idea how many screen savers needed some form of DirectX to function properly. Most Graphics editting software is painfully slow or none-functionally whether a picture of some sort of video. And the list goes on.. I am sure you understand the problem by now. Oh yeah, everything is distorted or elongated on the display making it's own set of problems.

I have used Regedit to search for "Monitor0" & "Display1" in the regristry with no avial. I am sure the missing "Monitoit0" is why I get the black screen after the actual login.

Can anyone help me out with this dilema? I so miss the full High-Defintion experience and none distorted text to pictures. Half of Windows Vista features do not work now, did before. I would even settle for actually having DirectX supported so I can use all my software without crashes and lockups. The Nero 9 Suite was expense and very useful. I have a true 1080p High-Definiton LCD Monitor for a specific reason as well.

Enough of my complaining, looking forward to getting comments...

Gentlemopn Todd,

Thursday, 5:45pm on 2-18-2010.

It's a very strange problem, you said you can see the welcome screen therefore I can only assume the display drivers are working.

Why you're getting a black screen is a bit of a mystery it's possible your using a video resolution or refresh rate which is incompatible with your monitor.

My suggestion would be to install the video drivers you believe to be correct, reboot Vista hit F8 just after the HP screen and then select boot VGA mode using "low resolution mode".

This will override your current settings allowing you to set a refresh and resolution of your choice i.e. 1024x768 @ 60Hz.

If further black screen problems occur check your event logs (eventvwr.exe) for anything which might provide some clues.

Richard S.

Ensure your Bios has the "VGA default" set to on board not PCI/AGP.

:huh: Thank you, both of you. However...

Nothing showed up in the event log as an error or as an informational message that was of any use to me. I did the whole F8 thing and checked my graphics was set to onboard grahics. I reset the display to Low-Res, installed drivers again and used the Safe-mode again find the same problems. In the Safe-mode I can see that the "Monitor0" is missing again. Hence, the black screen of nothing after I actually log on to an user account.

I will post something in the Speccy forum to just see what other responses I get. :(

I will add one more "weirdness" about my problem here...


Although I can boot in Low-Res mode, as soon as I reboot normally, I return to the black screen after login. I cannot change anything of the graphics while in the Low-Res mode. So, I eventually have to reboot and start Windows Vista normally. I have tried installing drivers while in the Safe-mode, Low-Res mode, and the nomal Windows startup. And in any possible combination there of. I try once a month to take care of my graphics problem. I knew about the those suggestions before hand, but, what the heck, I tried it again. As you most likely can tell by now, I still end up with the same black screen of nothingness. Unless I rollback to the "Standard VGA Grahics Driver."

Thanks again for making suggestions. I will post an actual solution when I come across one. In exception of the abvious and expensive; "Install a new Graphics card in the PCI slot."

:rolleyes: GentleMon Todd

Monday, 2-22-2010 at 7:52pm.


Try uninstalling drivers again and try cleaning up with driver sweeper.

Restart and try drivers again.

If still failing, see if you can try and find older version of the drivers.

Hello :rolleyes: ,

Yep, I had that piece of software as well. Currently the software does not find anymore scraps of the "nVidia stuff" that could be still on my hard-drive or in the registry. I checked for updates then used the

"C:\Program Files (x86)\\Driver Sweeper\Driver Sweeper.exe"

or simply put "Driver Sweeper"

I also tried the most current driver by Intel, the driver version at the actual time of manufacture for my HP Pavillion, and the drivers 1 and 2 years before the actual manufacture of my HP Pavillion.

Oh Well, I guess I have the March attempts all done for this month. I was able to get up to a 1600x1300 Display dimensions until the reboot to the screen of nothingness. Before it was maxed at 1400 something by something before the reboot. Too bad it never sticks properly.

As the Saga continues to voyage on; I had to roll back to that darn Standard VGA Graphics Driver....

I imagine I will post something similar in April.

B) GentleMon Todd :wacko:

Thursday at 4:13am, 3-4-2010.

Just been looking at your comp, are you definately installing most recent drivers available (3/5/2009)?

And right clicking and running under admin?