The main button "Issues" have a wrong translation. The actual translation is "R?sultats"("results" in english) whereas the real french translation would be "Probl?mes" (issues,problems in english) for this button.
There are two lines related to this:
211, "R?sultats"
221, "Propri?t?s des R?sultats d'analyse"
If you update these and repost I'll change them in the program.
Please translate as following:
1) Button "Issues" --> "Erreurs"
2) Button "Scan for Issues" --> "Chercher des erreurs" (without upper-cased 'E' for 'erreurs')
3) Button "Fix selected issues..." --> "R?parer les erreurs s?lectionn?es"
Thank you.
There are two lines related to this:
211, "R?sultats"
221, "Propri?t?s des R?sultats d'analyse"
If you update these and repost I'll change them in the program.
I have notice another mistake in French. When you run the anaylse it says for example:
"1.35MB ont ?t? supprim?" (this is past tense but they have not been deleted at this point)
it should say:
"1.35MB seront supprim?" (future)
Great program thanks a million,
With an "s" at the end of "supprim?s"
Thanks everyone, I'll get these changes in the next release.
Mr. G,
Thanks for the great program, I don't mean to bug you about this, it is not that big a deal, but a few of the French errors didn't get changed, here is what the new version says, when we analzye & have not yet deleted:
ANALYSE COMPLETE - (1.440 secs)
827 bytes ont ?t? supprim?. (Taille approximative)
D?tails des fichiers ? supprimer (Note: AUCUN fichier n'a pour l'instant ?t? supprim?)
Fichiers Temporaires d'Internet Explorer (fichiers 6) 402 bytes
C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\ZALog.txt 425 bytes
It should read as follows:
ANALYSE COMPLETE - (1.440 secs)
827 bytes seront supprim?s. (Taille approximative)
D?tails des fichiers ? supprimer (Note: AUCUN fichier n'a pour l'instant ?t? supprim?)
Fichiers Temporaires d'Internet Explorer (fichiers 6) 402 bytes
C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\ZALog.txt 425 bytes
Thanks for a great program & have a good day,