Best & easiest way to update drivers?

I gather it is a good idea to make sure you have the latest drivers for all of XP land. What is the best and easiest way to check if there is an update for all your drivers and if there is, install them?

It seems to me that trying to go to the website of various driver manufacturers and trying to track down the correct driver, must not be the easiest way. Someone said that perhaps there is a utility that scans all drivers on your PC and reports what's needed. I was not able to find one if there is such a thing.

Please advise, thank you.

Have a read here:

I'd follow Andavaris advice and make sure you get the correct drivers, preferably from the manufacturers web site. Driver installs are probably up there as one of the major causes of BSOD's

If you can, download them onto your PC and install off line. Maybe not always possible, but IMHO, the safest way. There are of course two schools of thought on this:

1: Keep all your stuff up to date with the latest incarnations, and usually with improvements to performance/stability etc..

2: If everythings working fine....The "If it ain't broke don't fix it" school of thought.

I've updated my ATI video drivers twice, off line, and smooth as could be. I tried updating HP drivers some time back with a resultant BSOD. I've never touched them since.

So I subscribe to both schools of thought. :)

Which probably doesn't help you a great deal, but that's my two penneth.

I've updated my ATI video drivers twice

The next time I reinstall Windows I won't be updating ATI drivers ever again! Over time I eventually get some bug from them where they won't install, and I've seen it on multiple systems and an Internet search reveals tons of people with the same issue.

I gather it is a good idea to make sure you have the latest drivers for all of XP land. What is the best and easiest way to check if there is an update for all your drivers and if there is, install them?

This rumor is pushed mainly by those who offer such "services". The experienced members of this forum know better. I follow their advice explicitly.

Someone said that perhaps there is a utility that scans all drivers on your PC and reports what's needed. I was not able to find one if there is such a thing.

Same as above answer.

1: Keep all your stuff up to date with the latest incarnations, and usually with improvements to performance/stability etc..

2: If everythings working fine....The "If it ain't broke don't fix it" school of thought.

I've updated my ATI video drivers twice, off line, and smooth as could be. I tried updating HP drivers some time back with a resultant BSOD. I've never touched them since.

So I subscribe to both schools of thought. :)

I subscribe to both schools of thought also.

For the inexperienced or "new computer" owners, I strongly recommend that you stick to Dennis' rule #2.

Follow rule #1 only if you actually "have a problem" and not before hand.

Any "driver" software offered by MS update is usually not what you need if you actually need anything at all.

Like Dennis' link follow Andavari's advice here. Stick to what your PC manufacturer recommends.

To paraphrase Yogi Berra(Baseball everything guy) "It ain't broke 'til it's broke."

Best wishes to all our members, :) davey

P.S. If you are a "Super Geek" then you can do whatever is the Most Fun for you of course.

"Fun" is a necessary part of life. Share some with someone you love. :P