Benchmark Button

Question: Do I need to use the Benchmark option button on my screen when defragging my hard drive? What exactly does benchmark do (please answer in words a 6th grader could understand)?

I looked up benchmark on the CCleaner wegsite, and WOW, sure is a lot of words. I was more confused after trying to read that then I was before I searched.

Please help...... Thank you.

Ignore it. I always have.

It's a tool for for techies and repairpersons, which is why there is 'a lot of words' on the website.

Basically it makes a snapshot (benchmark) of the state of the drive that you can then compare with later snapshots to see if anything is deteriorating over time.

Thank you......

defraggler -> settings -> options -> advanced

you can also

<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		disable benchmark after defrag

without bad conscience :-)