Beatles guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi dies

Beatles guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi dies

THE HAGUE (AFP) ? The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, once a spiritual advisor to the Beatles, died Tuesday in his Dutch home, a spokesman for the Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation movement told the ANP news agency here early Wednesday.

The Maharishi was thought to have been 91 years old. He had been living in the tiny village of Vlodrop in the Netherlands since 1990. The worldwide headquarters of his Transcendental Meditation movement was also in Vlodrop.

As people probably know by now I'm a huge beatles fan but this is one part in their story I've always found a little strange. From what I've read it was mostly John and George there were really into this stuff and the others 2 just kind of tagged along.

He must have been doing something right though to live to 91.

I got into Transcendental Meditation for quite a while fairly heavily when I was escaping my Mary Jane time and it worked well in fact I do it now quite easily and move into a quiet time in my mind even with the TV on playing some mindless adverts ;)