
yes how do the backup work and is it a dood idea to do

The method of backup may somehow vary depending on the operating system. There are many forms of backup. I suggest you do Google search for that depending on the computer you are using. On Vista and Windows 7, its on the control panel, then Backup and Restore. The procedures won't be hard.

Backup may vary from creating restore points, to saving files to separate drives where they can be recovered after the system has failed. Another is registry backups where copies of removed or repaired registry keys are saved somewhere and can be merged again if needed.

One thing that is easy for me to say is that backups are important and they are very important if the data that are backed up are very important. In case your system does fail any important data that have been backed up can be recovered in one piece or at least most of it can be restored.

Are you talking about the backup when doing a ccleaner registry clean?

Are you talking about the backup when doing a ccleaner registry clean?

yes i,m am talking about backup when useing ccleaner

They would recommend you to use a program called ERUNT to make a full registry backup.

If you use the ccleaner registry cleaning (issues) you are asked if you want to make a copy of the registry entries you are cleaning.

This backup is saved by default in 'my documents'' and can be restored if there are any problems by right-clicking on the backup and choosing merge.

There is some documentation you can read about ccleaner here