An update of what? What update would erase system restore points?
what version of ccleaner are you using?
He said he's using the latest version
also check under the advanced section and see if you have anything selected there.
There aren't any options that say it will delete system restore points.
Okay, I am running XP and my system restore points aren't being deleted. Maybe someone else is experiencing this? I have a feeling it isn't CCleaner doing it though.
A. If no free disk space on monitored system drive or on any of the available non-system drives exists, System Restore will purge restore points consistently across all monitored partitions to free disk space. If the free disk space falls below 50 MB on any monitored partition, System Restore will stop monitoring and suspend.
Note: Some users have reported that using the Real Player One utility has deleted restore points. Please review your System Event Viewer log for System Restore events for a volume error event.
Restore points are saved in under x:\system volume information\_restore{558C94FD-3C7F-4954-A02D-
26679E6D849E}. Each restore point's files are saved in a folder named RPXX where XX is a two digit number
each time i use it, it deletes all restore points and the last too ! am i alone with this problem ?
my hard drives are free (more than 30 Go) and i do the experience to launch a cleaning, then i see my list of restore points and all disapear. i create a new point, i launch a cleaning again and all disapear again !
oh ... i think i found why ! i test and i tell you after !
ok, i see as you asked the "System Event Viewer log" ! i saw an error named "sr"
i can read (in french) "Le filtre de restauration du syst?me ? rencontr? l'erreur inattendue '0xC0000023' pendant le traitement du fichier 'Recycled' sur le volume 'Ramdisk'. Ceci a entra?n? l'arr?t de la surveillance du volume."
=> the filter of restore points of system has met an error 0xC0000023 during the treatment of Recycled file on Ramdisk. this stops the monitoring of volume (sorry for translating) !
ok, i have installed for some weeks a ramdisk too increase speed.
but i didn't see it created errors.
i hope i can help someone with my adventure !
thank everybody ! and long life to CCleaner, very special thank for the team !