Backup .REG

If you run ccleaner on vista, where is the .REG file saved that undoes the registry changes? I cant find it...

If you run ccleaner on vista, where is the .REG file saved that undoes the registry changes? I cant find it...

It depends where you save it, its most probably in your Documents.

i dont think i had to save anything anywhere and i cant find the documents-folder... :(

I don't remember where the default storage is, but once you save it to a designated folder it will always go there.

If you are having difficulty locating the file I suggest you install the warp speed search engine Everything.

The saved file will resemble cc_123456789_123456.reg

the pc is horribly lame and a lot of stuff (simply almost everything) doesnt work anymore, i just want to take the status back before installing ccleaner but the system restore comes back with the message that it cant restore because of an unknown problem... this is the pc of a friend and i recommended ccleaner after using it myself but here everything goes wrong... i have to repair this problem somehow and i cant even find the reg-file... im furious :(

This is probably a weird way but, go run the Reg Cleaner again, click on "Fix" and when CCleaner asks you to save it, just check which folder it is getting saved to, that is where you want to go. (Keep in mind, do not go ahead after checking the designated folder.)

This is probably a weird way but, go run the Reg Cleaner again, click on "Fix" and when CCleaner asks you to save it, just check which folder it is getting saved to, that is where you want to go. (Keep in mind, do not go ahead after checking the designated folder.)

Not weird, Ishan, good thinking. smiley-gen014.gif

Or check the registry location

Start - Run - Type regedit - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\CCleaner - BackupDir (Dir listed here)

As discussed in this thread, once a user saves its *REG backup, all subsequent backups will be saved to the same location. With that being the case, is the any way of 'disabling' the location save window that appears when saving *REG backups and have CCleaner save to this location be default?

I think that's probably complicating something which is only a single mouse click to do.

There would have to be a way of enabling the feature, or have a "save as" option added, to enable folk to change the location if need be.

And of course the scenario of folk forgetting where it's saved to. We do see that one on here.

If you are having difficulty locating the file I suggest you install the warp speed search engine Everything.

The saved file will resemble cc_123456789_123456.reg

Thanks for the link kroozer, this will come in handy for my XP box.

widu is using Vista which already has an advanced search engine in the start menu, it works great and will open the file location with a right click menu option.

Type in .reg and under files you will see file(s) like the example kroozer showed.

Right click on one and choose open file location.

Thanks for the link kroozer, this will come in handy for my XP box.

I love this search engine. I just typed *.reg into it and voila! instant response.

It should also be remembered that in Options>Advanced, "Show prompt to backup registry issues" has to be checked or it won't save a backup. If you didn't see a prompt and you can't find the backup, that might be the reason.

In Vista, Documents should be on the Start Menu, unless someone removed it. If it's not there, Right-click Start>then select Properties>then Customize. Scroll down the list and see if "Don't display" under Documents is selected. :)