avast free version 6.0.1000 update!

Hi guys:)

Anyone having problems with avast free?

Automatic update cant update virus definitions or program version at the moment.

I tried to manually update from their site... I keep getting> "403 - Forbidden"

Hi craig.

Same problem, and I can't check it again now as I'm using Puppy Linux.

The was a post about this on the avast forum today


3 page thread

Hi Dennis & hazel:)

It's all working now:)

a friend has this version used, but any games dont installable, and no update for signatures, .... deleted :-) an other vius scanner now...

Apparently Flash for IE is a requirement in order to view the realtime graphs under statistics.

Strange choice for an av I guess given Flash's vulnerability at times, but not a biggy in the scheme of things.