Automatic registry cleaning

There's no parameter to allow for automatic registry cleaning.

I already use auto cleaning feature. If you could add automatic registry cleaning (with option for automatic registry changes backup) we could all save lots of time and make CCleaner even more killer tool that it is already.

It doesn't take that long to just click four more times. Once on "Clean selected", once on "Don't write changes to the registry", once on "Clean everything" unless there's only one issue, and once on "Yes". If there's only one issue, just click "Clean this issue" and it doesn't even give you a confirmation.

You're just being lazy. >_>

You're just being lazy. >_>'s a mindset. I'm a fan of automation and saving time where it's possible.

I have created a .bat file which will first run CC in /AUTO mode and clean the crap. Then the .bat will run defragmenter. After all disks are done, the computer will either stand by or shut down.

This is a routine .bat click for me before I go to sleep that keeps my computer running fast next day.

There is no point in making 4 additional clicks every night IF it can be automated. It's 1440 additional clicks per year.

Ever visited ?

Agree with Deep - I also want to run the registry cleaning function automatically from Scheduled Tasks in XP... I suggested this some time ago, and the Piriform answer seemed to indicate that they were wanting to protect us from ourselves ;)

Or they are just lazy ... ;)


The registry is a very important place to me and I want to be there when it is cleaned :)

Also I don't think providing free software for people can be classed as being lazy.

I suggested this some time ago, and the Piriform answer seemed to indicate that they were wanting to protect us from ourselves ;)

Or they are just lazy ... ;)


Could be we want to protect all those unmanned bank machines, Nuclear power plants, medical, heating, cooling, fire control systems etc. etc.

And LAZY is wanting your Registry automatically cleaned of Issues. I would rather have an idiot at the controls than out partying somewhere !!!

:) davey

The registry is a very important place to me and I want to be there when it is cleaned :)

Are you a hive hiker? ;)

I have never had a problem after cleaning ALL registry items CCleaner suggested so I really don't need to be there when it is cleaned. If the backup is made, I could always go back and restore it if necessary but like I said, I have never had to.

Edited by Moderator DD: Signature removed.

For a little sadistic pleasure, get on the mailing list for "Giveaway of the Day".

When they give a registry cleaner I always visit at the end of the day.

The daily forum usually starts with questions about how to install/register the product.

By the end of the day there are usually several who desperately need help mending their systems,

because they believed the computer when it said "trust me - I know what I am doing".

I am so glad that CCleaner is at the opposite end of the spectrum.



How true that observation is Alan about reg cleaners on GAOTD.

I am so glad that CCleaner is at the opposite end of the spectrum.

Eggzactly. That's why I have never had problems with CCleaner registry cleaning and suggested an automation feature for this.

I do not want an automated registry cleaning option as I want to know what is going to be cleaned and I can make the decision as to its being cleaned or not.

When I make mistakes I don't like them to be automated thank you very much.

If you do not want to use this option, you don't simply run this option from the command prompt.

I'm talking about missing choices not forced options.

The problem I've seen with most registry cleaners that automatically clean all on their own is you have no ideal what they're removing, which isn't a good thing if it does something to your system required to boot it, or the installed software such as antivirus or firewall. I'm not saying CCleaner would ever cause that issue, however I'm in the same boat as those who don't want automated registry cleaning from past experience with tons of registry cleaners. Since every system is configured differently thousands of systems may have no ill effects, while a few could have serious problems.

Since every system is configured differently thousands of systems may have no ill effects, while a few could have serious problems.

Then you would be in Deep doo doo I bet :lol: <== for those that do not understand technical terms

My point is...I always remove everything that CCleaner reg cleaner section suggests and have never experienced a single problem (and if there was a problem I could always restore the backup of registry changes that CCleaner creates for me).

Why not add a command prompt feature to automate something I do manually anyway.

Newbie users don't even know how to run CCleaner from the command prompt so no danger here.

CCleaner is a safe bet with backup protection so why not add some power to the registry cleaning feature.