since i installed CCleaner i have been automatically logout on every website. so i deinstalled CCleaner. but the problem is the same.
i hope you can help me to solve this problem
thank you and greetings
since i installed CCleaner i have been automatically logout on every website. so i deinstalled CCleaner. but the problem is the same.
i hope you can help me to solve this problem
thank you and greetings
Did you save the cookies of the forums you visit?
If you did not, and used CCleaner, you will need to revisit your forums.
If you install CCleaner again you need to save your forum cookies. (in CCleaner,options,cookies.)
I hope this is what you mean.
Welcome to the forum
thank you but the problem is the same everytime i close the browser and go to the website or forum again i will be logout
What is your browser?
Are you XP or vista?
All websites or just some? Which ones for example?
Do you have CCleaner installed now?
i have vista. it's in every browser i use (internet explorer and firefox). it's on every website where i can login. for example this forum, webspell.org, esl.eu etc. CCleaner is installed now yes
i have the same problem on my computer, i have added the websites that i need to login to under "cookies to keep" and i have enabled cookies in my internet explorer, the problem still persists that when i login to an internet account, if i change the page it logs me out or on some sites such as youtube.com it doesn't let me log in at all.
i have vista. it's in every browser i use (internet explorer and firefox). it's on every website where i can login. for example this forum, webspell.org, esl.eu etc. CCleaner is installed now yes
i have the same problem on my computer, i have added the websites that i need to login to under "cookies to keep" and i have enabled cookies in my internet explorer, the problem still persists that when i login to an internet account, if i change the page it logs me out or on some sites such as youtube.com it doesn't let me log in at all.
Hi bazic and masterlock,,
Make sure that the option to clean Autocomplete Form History is unchecked at Cleaner > Internet Explorer listing on the Windows tab.
This is where most sites store your Auto Log-in passwords.
You may also find that some sites save information in the Adobe Flash files.Places like Yahoo do this.If that is your case, then uncheck Adobe Flash Player in the list under Multimedia on the Applications tab.
Good luck,
doesn't solve the problem
doesn't solve the problem
The settings I recommended to CCleaner are to prevent this from happening again.They will not restore your data.
P.S. Depending on your OS, System Restore " may" restore the files.The restore point must be complete and from before you used CCleaner.
I would not count on getting the data back unless you have another back-up method.
Otherwise you must do what is shown below.
You will have to make sure all your settings are correct.Close out your browser and start-up browser again may be necessary.
Then you have to reconnect and log-in and save your passwords again at your favorite sites.
Try a couple and test again.
Let me know what happens.
Good luck,
i think you don't understand me.
the datas are in the textboxes but when i close the browser i will be logged out
the changed the auto complete settings to above and unchecked the adobe flash player in CClaner, but i still cant log into some sites (YOUTUBE.COM) and some sites when i update the page i am then loged out. Any more suggestions would be appreciated
i think you don't understand me.
the datas are in the textboxes but when i close the browser i will be logged out
the changed the auto complete settings to above and unchecked the adobe flash player in CClaner, but i still cant log into some sites (YOUTUBE.COM) and some sites when i update the page i am then loged out. Any more suggestions would be appreciated
This is strange!!! And new to me.I apologize for misunderstanding but I thought this had something to do with the fact that you were new to using CCleaner.
I take it then that you do understand the importance of those Autocomplete Form settings,If they are not set properly to prompt you for the data then it will not be stored and can cause problems.
When I first started on this forum,I would close my IE browser and come back later and I would have to log back in again until I did what I recommended to you.That is why I thought it would help your problems.
CCleaner 2.08 is a very new version.There may very well be a "bug" that is causing the Autocomplete Forms data to be cleaned always in both your cases.
What happens if you use the prior version CCleaner v 2.07?
You can download it from filehippo. http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/4083/
Please give that a try.It does seem that each of you are having similar and dissimilar problems?
Not being able to log on to "YouTube" does sound familiar.
Come back and let us know what happens.
Also fill in the answer to the following.
Thanks ,
The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution.
These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?
Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)
Are you using a winapp2.ini file?
Answer "Yes"if you do and please explain its contents or provde a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".
Are you running with Administrator privileges.
CCleaner version ?
OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?
Browsers and ver.?
Security software and ver?
Other data you think might be relevant?
What did you do and then what happened?
Don't forget a new update to the CCleaner Guide came out Feb. 06,2008.
http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=1504 Bookmark it and save in your Favorites.
Thanks for taking your time to make a report.
i have the same problem on my computer, i have added the websites that i need to login to under "cookies to keep" and i have enabled cookies in my internet explorer, the problem still persists that when i login to an internet account, if i change the page it logs me out or on some sites such as youtube.com it doesn't let me log in at all.
After further thought and investigation you may be having troubles with your Adobe Flash files.
You should consider going to Adobe for help if you have many entries in those files that you want to keep if possible.
Or just reinstall Adobe Flash Player here. http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/do...=ShockwaveFlash
I also advise to only use CCleaner when no other programs are running.Running with open browsers can cause problems.
Some sites, including Google, store "Flash Cookies", (settings.sol files) in the following locations.
C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys
C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\TC6R3XQX
Navigate down to those folders, and?see if the sites you refer to are storing "settings.sol" files in either/both of those locations.
If they do, in CCleaner, go to Options > Exclude > Add Folder. Navigate again to the relevent folders, and add them to the "Files and Folders to Exclude" Window.
Hope this helps.
Note: The highlighted number is a "salted" number, a security thing, and yours will probably be different.
yeai tried uninstalling CCleaner and that diddnt hcnage the problem, so then do you think it has to do with adobe flash files. My computer was taking a while to re download it so i will try that tomorow, any other suggestions would be great
yeai tried uninstalling CCleaner and that diddnt hcnage the problem, so then do you think it has to do with adobe flash files. My computer was taking a while to re download it so i will try that tomorow, any other suggestions would be great
Yes,masterlock.Your problem is different since you can't even log-in to "YouTube".More and more sites are using "Flash cookies" as does "YouTube".The simplest solution is to reinstall Adobe Flash Player.Then try "YouTube" again.
This doesn't preclude the problem that other sites still use the normal "cookie" method and you may also need to recreate those "cookies" put them in your "cookies to keep".
You should also do as Dennis recommends to guarantee that your Adobe Flash files are always Excluded from cleaning.
I also keep Adobe Flash Player cleaning option turned off under Multimedia on the Applications tab.
Good luck,
yeai tried uninstalling CCleaner and that diddnt hcnage the problem, so then do you think it has to do with adobe flash files. My computer was taking a while to re download it so i will try that tomorow, any other suggestions would be great
Hi masterlock, it's not in the Adobe Flash folder where you should be looking.
Have another look at the "paths" in my earlier post, and at the screen shot.
In the same area as the Adobe Flash folder is the Macromedia Flash folder. I've never personally found any cookies in the Adobe folder, and I always check there, but I have found them in the sub folders of the Macromedia Flash folder.
There might not be anything there, but it's a good possibility.
Did you save the cookies of the forums you visit?
If you did not, and used CCleaner, you will need to revisit your forums.
If you install CCleaner again you need to save your forum cookies. (in CCleaner,options,cookies.)
I hope this is what you mean.
Welcome to the forum
its cookies issue
thanks it worked with me