auto login in windows xp

hey all, sure this is a dumb question and yes i did a bit of googling, but then i kno you all have the answers pretty quick usually. is there a way in xp (and vista actualy) to set it up so that once you start the computer it doesnt go to the sceen with the admin account and any other accounts before entering the system? What I am looking for is to make a shared desktop to, once started, to automatically go the home page with only one account, not need any sort of login or passwords, just turn on and windows comes up and ready to go. any little tweak that i am missing that does this? i am at a bit of a loss.....

I know you will find what you need on the link below for XP 1984, but not so sure it will still work on Vista. I could boot up my Vista laptop, but it is late and I am thinking of going to bed soon.

TweakUI - Expand Logon at the bottom on the left and you will find Autologon. I use it with no problems and you can still have your password applied. You can still have multiple accounts.

You may already have installed it for XP since you have been a member for quite awhile. Start > All programs > Powertoys for XP. I also have TweakUI in my Control Panel from Doug Knox.

You can see this post from YoKenny for links for both XP and Vista.

Also this TweakUI product announcement for Vista users.

Tweak UI For Windows Vista Released at S Asia MVP Meet 2008.

Good luck, :) davey

P.S. I just saw Capman's reply also. Kelly always has "Tweak goodies" that work also.

Use Powertoys - Tweak UI. :)

you should be able to do this through the second user control panel

start -> run -> control userpasswords2

simply untick the "users must enter a username and password to use this computer box or set it up for the account you want. (I think it defualts to Administrator)



you should be able to do this through the second user control panel

:huh: Good point.

:huh: Good point.

:) its easier than downloading / playing with programs.

its easier than downloading / playing with programs.

I know.

I'm just embarrassed that I didn't suggest it. It wasn't long ago that I learnt about that (so it should be fresh in my memory). :(

Hi guys! Those suggestions worked in both xp and vista! Thanks a lot for the links and the detailed instructions...totally appreciate it! :)

One more question....Is there a way to delete a user account that was made as well? Only need one login account and have two.......