Is there any way to make the Auto Disconnect box come up when closing Firefox, like it does when you close IE?
I guess there is not then.
CaPMan do you have firefox set as the default browser? I have no clue what the answer is, I havent had dial up since I've had firefox (havent had dial up in 7 years).
I did try to do some searching about this for you and it said that firefox just follows the settings in IE's internet options under the connections tab. Which if I remember correctly is where you make IE do what you are trying. If I'm wrong tell me where the option for this in IE is and I'll try and help you find it in FF.
IE is still my default browser, the kids always use it, but I always use firefox.
I am not on dial-up, I am on 512k broadband, but I still have to connect and disconnect, as and when I want to, it is not automatically always on.
In IE you go to Tools/Internet Options/Connections/Settings/Advanced and make sure the option "Disconnect when connection may no longer be needed" is selected.
This brings up the Auto Disconnect box when you close IE or OE.
But when I close firefox I have to right click the two computers in the notification area and select Disconnect.
Thanks for your help so far rridgely.
When I was looking it said firefox follows that connections tab under internet options. Have you tried setting firefox to default? If not try that first and see if that works, if not you could always change it back to IE being default. Try that if not than the search continues.
Just set firefox as default and restarted the computer in case it made any difference, still no joy.
Maybe it is not possible.
Sorry I hate to say it, but I dont think I'm gonna be able to help you on this one. My guess is that it isnt possible. Maybe you could go to the firefox forums and ask them.
Thanks anyway.