Assosciation problem


Any help?

that seems fairly easy.

go to control panel then folder options.

then go to file types and click new.

its pretty self explanitory and thats all i can tell you because im not sure what the program is or what kind of extensions it has.


neiberaaron: that would work if he actually knew what he needs to set a file assosciation to.

back on topic: which browser are you using? from that messagebox, i can only tell that the file which was no assosciated was a "url:" one. if you're using Firefox, Opera, and maybe others, there's an option to set the file assosciations so that RocketDock can work properly.

at RocketDock: i've tried it once and i absolutely hated it. it didn't have one good skin(out of all the 20 or w/e number that it has), it flickered a lot(i guess GDI+'s fault), and it didn't show if the application was active even though it hooks a dll into every program that it launches. if you're gonna inject a dll into a program and not display if it's active, then what's the point of even having that dll in the first place? for a dock, i use the latest RK Launcher nightly build. it works like a charm and doesn't give me any problems. i also use the realdock skin which is nice as well.

If you're trying to open a file, Right Click and go to Open With... and use the program you have to open it with. If you're trying to open a docklet, you have to put it in your RocketDock folder first, then add it (at least, that's how most docks work)

at RocketDock: i've tried it once and i absolutely hated it. it didn't have one good skin(out of all the 20 or w/e number that it has), it flickered a lot(i guess GDI+'s fault), and it didn't show if the application was active even though it hooks a dll into every program that it launches. if you're gonna inject a dll into a program and not display if it's active, then what's the point of even having that dll in the first place? for a dock, i use the latest RK Launcher nightly build. it works like a charm and doesn't give me any problems. i also use the realdock skin which is nice as well.

Agreed. RK Dock is very nice. The only thing I don't like is that you can't export/import saved themes (at least, I haven't found a way to)

themes? if by themes you mean skins, then there is a way to import then. just put the skin in the "themes" folder.

i use internet exlorer 6


and firefox

i got bookmarks on my memory stick and when i go to open it has the same message so its not nly rocketdock which i removed.

i happened before i got browzar and rocketdock aswell.

Not sure if this will help but here is a list of file association fixes. They are in alphabetical order and there is an URL one.

still dont work, wen i click a link outside of ie it dont work same message shows

Try this:

Go to IE Tools, Internet Options, Programs tab and turn on the check box for IE to check if it is the default browser.

Shut down and restart IE. When it prompts to be set as default browser, say yes.

If still no joy, have a look here:

You cannot open a new Internet Explorer window or nothing occurs after you click a link

Good luck!

tony i love you.

it worked. thanx.

That's good to hear! Glad that did the trick. :)