Assistance With Adobe

Hope this is the correct place to go. I have had good luck in the past with Adobe notifying me of updates. A week or so ago and again today I received a notice that Adobe Flash Player version 11.9.900.152 was available to download. I did so on both occasions declining their little door prizes that have caused me heartburn in the past. When I clicked on the download, pressed run it stated initializing and reached step 2 of 3 and that's as far as it went, not displaying any progress bar as some do. I hopped over to Add/Remove and either Adobe or MS failed to display an installation date. I LOVE installation dates as several others post them. Who has failed to do their job? I HATE folks who do not do their job. Is there some means to ascertain if it has been installed without having me to jump through hoops? I HATE jumping through hoops as I do not work for Barnum and Bailey. Any of my good friends able to extend their ideas which would be greatly appreciated. Yours, Warlock

Open your Control Panel (not add/remove) Make sure you have classic view selected so all things are listed.

You will see Flash Player listed. Open it and click on the advanced tab. It will tell you what version is installed.

If it was a bad installation they have an official uninstall utility that will remove it from the system, you could then reboot and try the installation(s) again which are all web-based now.

Hazel, I followed your instructions and sure enough I got to the Adobe icon. I clicked on it and it displayed that I have version 11.9.900.117 installed. When I went to the center and clicked on the new version needed 11.9.900.152 and ran it I got a message that only one run is allowed. Would what Andavari suggested help clean out this mess? Somebody out in cyberworld hates me. I knew this would blow up in my face not due to you or him of course. Warlock

Hi, Warlock.

You may have already done these steps, but if not they're worth a shot.

Try shutting down and restarting your browser.

If that didn't work, try restarting the computer.

If that didn't work, try that Andavari's uninstall app then reinstall Adobe.

Hi Login,

I gave all the great suggestions by you, Andavari and Hazel a shot and sure enough it sent me to the quicksand. I've been in touch with my Avast support and they said we can go remote and solve the Adobe and some other issues. Sad it didn't fly but I'm so grateful for all of you trying to help. I'm just dumb as a box of rocks with these things. Thanks again and hope you all have a safe, happy Thanksgiving holiday. Take care my friends.


Good that they can get it fixed. Post back how it goes, OK?

Hi login et al, sorry been a little late in getting back. Still putting out fires here, this thing is barely crawling. I contacted the support folks at Avast and they hooked up with me and supposedly fixed the Adobe update issue but apparently were mistaken. I still cannot get the update after trying everything. Tried downloading from the Firefox Addon page and going directly to the Adobe website. It downloads then when I run it it goes to Step 2 and just sits there. It doesn't display a progress bar like most. Is there any way I can check on the progress of a run? I have Windows XP Professional 32 bit SP3. Maybe if I can eventually get that new version of 11.9.900.152 to replace 11.9.900.117 I'm hoping that will cure this infernal scripting that occurs with Firefox v 25.0.1 Please let me know any thoughts you might have. Been having warnings regularly that my av is not working but is at the moment. What else! Thanks again and take care. Warlock

Maybe try here Warlock:


Had to change the link since I'm "breaking Adobe's TOS" or some s**t like that. Anyway, the Search Engine link will get you to that Adobe help page, just not directly.

Hi, warlock.

I just installed firefox here, then ran the flash player installer, and cannot duplicate the freezing issue you described.

One thought ... during installation, there are a couple of popup windows that appear, and sometimes they hide behind the browser window. So, after each step completes, minimize your browser window to make sure there is no popup hidden behind it.

Post back how it goes, OK?

Edit...when you follow Hazelnut's earlier insructions what version does it show now?

Should be 11.9.900.152...if it is you're in business.

If not, use that set of instructions linked by Andavari, it is the best I've seen.

Andavari, a dumb question, can I just click on the link while here on the forum or should I open my browser Firefox 25.0.1 and type in the link and what about those periods included. Glad I checked back on this as I was about to try the previous link you gave. Thanks old friend. Warlock

Hi login, I'll see if what you describe happens but I need to get straight on Andavari's revision. About Hazel's intructions, it gave me the current version installed which is 11.9.900.117 The wife just had to take my large hammer away from me as I'm getting weary of this crap. Thanks so much and stay in touch. Warlock

You can open the link in any browser, just click it to open that search. It actually doesn't have multiple dots in it. If you hover the mouse pointer over it your browser will show the full URL address, the forum software chops off long URLs like that I assume so it doesn't mess up the page formatting/display or something.

Hi Andavari, sorry about the somewhat belated response, had lot going on. I've tried everything to get the Adobe Flash Player v 11.9.900.152 to replace v 11.9.900.117 still installed, going directly to the site and all it does is go to step 2 of the installation and just stalls. I'm sick of this thing. Is it really vital as I understand it's mostly for gaming which I never do. Can I just go to the Add/Remove and send it to its grave without causing any problems and move on to other issues? Your cherished advice welcome. Thanks, Warlock

I'm sick of this thing. Is it really vital as I understand it's mostly for gaming which I never do. Can I just go to the Add/Remove and send it to its grave without causing any problems and move on to other issues?

I tired of it long ago, however many video sites including auto manufacturers still require it, unfortunately. You can uninstall it if you wish, it isn't required to be installed however some sites will lose functionality without it.

I personally disabled it in my main browser Comodo Dragon months ago, however I left it enabled in Firefox.

if you go to C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash, there should be FlashInstall.log

if you can paste the content here, maybe will help to see what wrong..please use spoiler

or you can download this and paste the folder into C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\

this is coming from my laptop and only for 32bit

Uninstall Flash from add/remove.


Then make sure you read my pm.

To my good friends, thanks so much for your responses. I'll try to accomplish this today after taking care of some other tasks. Will keep you posted and hopefully get rid of this headache. Take care, you're the greatest. Warlock

Uninstall Flash from add/remove.


100% agree! I've never over-installed any Flash version IE or other browsers and never had an installation problem.


Everybody break out the party hats and kazoos. I am pleased to announce that after a long, protracted, drawn-out effort I was just now able to get the Adobe Flash v 11.9.900.152 successfully installed and verified. Your suggestions worked perfectly. Thanks and deepest gratitude to my good friends who assisted me in this matter. A tip of the hat and a bow to all. Thanks and take care. Your indebted friend,
