Are we being watched?

Just wanted to ask you blokes that if I keep my laptop's built in camera and mic on but don't use it, does it gives the secret agencies a back door access to my online activities? and if yes then how do I stop it? How do you blokes as being a hat representative keep yourself to a minimum exposure? and what is a server bot, is it for real?

Stick a piece of duct tape over the camera ;)

Just wanted to ask you blokes that if I keep my laptop's built in camera and mic on but don't use it, does it gives the secret agencies a back door access to my online activities? and if yes then how do I stop it? How do you blokes as being a hat representative keep yourself to a minimum exposure? and what is a server bot, is it for real?

In order


I like the tape idea above.

I'm not a hat representative so I cannot answer this question.


If you're really concerned about government surveillance, here's an example of how to beat it:

Don't own a computer or have any connection to the internet

Don't have cable television

Don't have a telephone

Don't own a car - no registration or insurance

Don't live in an apartment and pay rent

Don't own a house and pay a mortage or property taxes

Don't have a job and pay income taxes - work "off the books" and get paid in cash

Don't have any credit cards - pay cash for everything you buy

Don't have any nelghbors - live in a 10 foot by 12 foot cabin in the middle of nowhere, in a state like Montana for instance

Don't have heat or electricity so you have no utility bills

Don't have any friends, so nobody knows anything about you

This sounds pretty crazy, doesn't it? Well it worked for Ted Kaczynski (a.k.a. The Unabomber) for nearly 18 years. And if it wasn't for the fact that his younger brother David called the F.B.I. and turned him in, he might still be out there.

Make sure that your flash player settings denies any website you visit access to your camera and microphone ...

Global Privacy Settings panel:

Note that the settings panel you see isn't an image. It actually is the settings manager, and the first item is camera and microphone access.

That's about the best you can do, and the tape idea isn't a bad one. My camera has a sliding shutter to protect the lens, but it also makes you feel a bit more secure that the camera is blind. It's beady eye can't be looking at you.

They could always be listening though. :wacko:

Just kiddin'.

They could always be listening though. :wacko:

They've probably invested bogus billions on microphones in space (although there's no sound in space). :P

They've probably invested bogus billions on microphones in space (although there's no sound in space). :P

The windows on the house serve as microphone diaphragms, and lasers in space can detect the vibrations. :o

The windows on the house serve as microphone diaphragms, and lasers in space can detect the vibrations. :o

I hope they like the Black Metal and Death Metal my windows are straining to for their eavesdropping. :lol: