I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing a major slowdown on the forums, yeah again.
For the past few days they've been almost unusable because pages won't load, and the only way to get some of them to load is to do a page refresh.
I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing a major slowdown on the forums, yeah again.
For the past few days they've been almost unusable because pages won't load, and the only way to get some of them to load is to do a page refresh.
Not so far, touch wood, at this side of the world, so it may be at your side.
Please keep it there, it's a pain when it happens
I'm not having the problem either. Something must be happening over there. But, it sucks if it's happening to you.
But, it sucks if it's happening to you.
It's been happening to me for years, that's the problem. It's random though, but still annoying.
No problems here yet.
I have been having problem loading threads with pics. The April Desktop thread for example. The first page of that thread loads very poorly and I can't see some of the pics.
Yes think its DDos or SYN flood Castle Cops is like this on & off have a read, its a may be?
last few day's been very slow one day come & fist look like txt Then went to html 2 May bit better still slow.
I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing a major slowdown on the forums, yeah again.
No problem up here in Canada EH!
I have been having problem loading threads with pics. The April Desktop thread for example. The first page of that thread loads very poorly and I can't see some of the pics.
If anyone posted images using ImageShack.us, and/or FreeImageHosting.net it wouldn't surprise me, they're both notoriously slow which is why I've deleted their bookmarks and won't use them again.
Yes think its DDos or SYN flood Castle Cops is like this on & off have a read, its a may be?
Some interesting reading you posted in those links, I looked at them all!
I don't know if it's an attack or just ISP problems. However the forums aren't anywhere near as slow as CastleCops is at the moment with the Firefox throbber constantly loads (the trobber is the upper-most right thing that animates when loading a site).
I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing a major slowdown on the forums, yeah again.
For the past few days they've been almost unusable because pages won't load, and the only way to get some of them to load is to do a page refresh.
Off and on since I joined but I didn't know any better.Just thought it was my bent computer.
davey Maryland,USA
No problems here
Piriform forums are lightning fast for me
No problem up here in Canada EH!
Can you see the pics in this page OK? http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...t=0&start=0
My post is the second one and the pic isn't loading. Neither is several others in the first page of that thread.
Can you see the pics in this page OK? http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...t=0&start=0
My post is the second one and the pic isn't loading. Neither is several others in the first page of that thread.
That page and all posts came up instantly for me, but under your post there is nothing showing for me Anthony A.
I think that may be because Anthony (and also Woody) posted using screenshots cc
I cannot get them to host for me now so I use
Forums are fine for me...never really noticed any problems.
Same here.think that may be because Anthony (and also Woody) posted using screenshots cc
Just red X in place of pics.
Can you see the pics in this page OK? http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...t=0&start=0
My post is the second one and the pic isn't loading. Neither is several others in the first page of that thread.
It is just like Hazel reports.Click on red X and get this.
Today 58 images uploaded, 520 images uploaded at yesterday
There has been 2249 images uploaded with 43 registered members
There has been 0 images with 0 galleries
Or this
ScreenShots will be back soon
I think they have been Hack Attacked.Not sure just surmising.