Are files, such as those in Trash, History and Cookies, which are deleted by CCleaner recoverable? Are these files shredded?
Thank You,
Are files, such as those in Trash, History and Cookies, which are deleted by CCleaner recoverable? Are these files shredded?
Thank You,
yes... the files deleted are still recoverable...
the new version 1.27.242, which is still in BETA, include a secure file deletion function, which over writes files a couple of times depending on which option used... even it is so, the files are still recoverable, but extremely difficult and require lots of effort...
yes... the files deleted are still recoverable...
the new version 1.27.242, which is still in BETA, include a secure file deletion function, which over writes files a couple of times depending on which option used... even it is so, the files are still recoverable, but extremely difficult and require lots of effort...
Thanks for your comments aGumon.
So... To be really certain that those deleted files are "gone" would be to shred the "white-space?
Also, when will v. 1.27.242 be released from BETA?
Also, when will v. 1.27.242 be released from BETA?
MrG (the writer of CCleaner) is apparently in the process of moving, so he said it may be a little while. But considering all of the great new features he has made for us in this version, I think it is well worth the wait!
Thanks for your comments aGumon.
So... To be really certain that those deleted files are "gone" would be to shred the "white-space?
Also, when will v. 1.27.242 be released from BETA?
i not sure whether can the files be shred to white space... but the best thing is actually preventing the files to be written into the hard disk in the first place... sound stupid...? but thats the truth...
v1.27.242 stable release should be released soon... i am also waiting for it... the BETA version work well for me... but a stable version is always better than BETA right...?
enjoy your stay here!!!
i not sure whether can the files be shred to white space... but the best thing is actually preventing the files to be written into the hard disk in the first place... sound stupid...? but thats the truth...
v1.27.242 stable release should be released soon... i am also waiting for it... the BETA version work well for me... but a stable version is always better than BETA right...?
enjoy your stay here!!!
FW TX 1640 CST 060206
I ran an experiment to check ability to destroy files discarded by CCleaner....
a) Examined number of file names in white space (after many over-writes),
Before final 'cleaning' w/ CC I saved abt. a dozen notable file names and verified number of files to be deleted,
c) Purged sys w/ CC,
d) Re-checked amount of files in white space, which equalled approx the previous amt. plus approx number of last deleted files,
e) Ran Shred 2.1 thru white space 3 passes,
f) Rechecked number of and readable file names.... Viola! Gone! (except for three. Puzzling.)
All this goes to say that you're correct: It would be really worthwhile to shred files, w/ their names, before deleted files are written to white space.... Lookin' forward to that new release!
Moreover, completely agree w/ your comment that stable software is better than an unreliable but 'improved' version.
Best Regards,
interesting testing...
govt and govt related jobs like police have very advance technology to recover files that were deleted... but such a tool may be too expensive for us home users to have one...
so having said that, i wont completely believe that even after shredding the white spaces, files are no longer recoverable...
is just my personal thinking... maybe a bit stubborn...
take care
Spybot SD has a built in shredder, but you have to input folders/files'd be interesting to see a "Delete" and a "Completely Shred Data" feature in CCleaner...
FW TX 2355 CST Tuesday 060207
Some of my super-slueth buddies say 'they' have sophisticated programs that can re-assemble over-written files, which might be true sometimes with some hard drives. But what they don't say is the percentage of files that are recoverable. There seems to be considerable lee-way of how well shredder software works at any given usage, which would certainly affect ability to recover. Like door locks on your house, it merely discourages the curious.
I tested five shredder software packages, most of which yeilded about 99.8 % obliteration. And, most of these programs worked OK, except for one. With most of them one must manually input as 'zaphirer' noted.
FYI: Shredder 2.1 is availalbe at PC Magazine Downloads. $5.97 per pop. and low sys overhead. Very few files made if... and a good deal for the $$.
Anyway, I'm happy with CCleaner as it is; with shredding benefits, it will be great !
Later Folks,
you can verify if the files are erased completely by using mighty data recovery utils such as Active@ Undelete or Uneraser (for DOS). they are truly powerful and yet never failed me before. They will give your maximum chances to restore.