AOL and RealPlayer

post-1641-1117957394_thumb.jpgHello! I hope you can help me out...I no longer use AOL dial up. I used DSL now. AOL and RealPlayer are not in Add/Remove programs anymore. But I have found these files from search. So I was wondering if it's ok to delete? Also what is *Learn2Player (uninstall only)? That was in my Add/Remove.

I will try to send screenshots I took and I hope it will show up here...Thanks! hugs, Rose




You need AOLMediaPlaybackControl.exe for websites like

I would leave all the AOL's, some are used for other stuff.

As for Real Player, feel free to delete them all.

Leave things that are in C:\i386

Thank you Twisted Metal and DjLizard! :) I'm glad I waited and ask first....I wish I had not tried to remove AOL in the first place. But it was Try AOL Broadband and I didn't want it. It was already installed when I brought a new pc. I will leave those in i386 files alone.

I have windows media and dvdsentry for movies? I don't use it maybe one time I did. I don't remember. Anyway, thanks!! Glad I could come in here for help....hugs, Rose

AOL and RealPlayer is two of the worst software there is that you can have on your computer. Avoid at any cost!

AOL and RealPlayer is two of the worst software there is that you can have on your computer. Avoid at any cost!

why is aol and real player bad? I have aol because of the parent controll but aol does seem to try take over everything on my computer is that why you think it's bad? Also what is that learn2player. :huh:

dont know... i have never install realplayer on my system... not even once...

Also what is that learn2player.

Google for it: here

I removed it off my system almost 1 1/2 years ago.

why is aol and real player bad? I have aol because of the parent controll but aol does seem to try take over everything on my computer is that why you think it's bad? Also what is that learn2player. :huh:

AOL literally destroys systems, litters the registry and more.

dont know... i have never install realplayer on my system... not even once...

Well I never installed it but It is there. Maybe it comes along with aol which I always have had but now We are thinking about just going with our cable email. But I am a really wonder what that Learn2player thing is. I have seen it on my other computer and thought it was an adwear but we just stripped this computer down and reloaded stuff on and Aol was one of them and now the real player and that learn2player is on it too. But I can't figure out what it is or what it does.

why is aol and real player bad

There's no need for AOL since there's many ISP's that don't install so much crap just to connect to the Internet. For Dial-up users check a local ISP since they typically just have you just configure what's already installed on Windows without having to install some bloated application. I say this as a former AOL member who grew very tired of it.

RealPlayer I haven't used for years. There's the freeware, no adware, no spyware, and no malware: Real Alternative. And while we're at it there's also QuickTime Alternative.

Edit: Fixed typo's.