I heard from a friend of mine that Vista is now on its way to being obsolete because Microsoft has come up with a new system called "Microsoft 7". I Googled and found that it does indeed exist, but (at least my corner of the globe) it doesn't seem too well know.
How about where you guys are? Is it any better than Vista?
It's called Windows 7. I don't know if it's going to make Vista obsolete, per say, but some people claim this is how Vista should have been. Not trying to pimp another website., but I'm a member over at MaximumPC.com and their forms. They have a lot of news on Windows 7, considering it was released as a public beta. Here are all of the topics/news stories that they have done-->http://www.maximumpc.com/search/node/windows+7.
Honestly, as long as the launch is not botched, I personally think this Windows will redeem the negatives of Vista. However, I'm using Vista, and really haven't had any problems with it. Before SP1, it was bad, but now it has come a long way.
It's called Windows 7. I don't know if it's going to make Vista obsolete, per say, but some people claim this is how Vista should have been. Not trying to pimp another website., but I'm a member over at MaximumPC.com and their forms. They have a lot of news on Windows 7, considering it was released as a public beta. Here are all of the topics/news stories that they have done-->http://www.maximumpc.com/search/node/windows+7.
Honestly, as long as the launch is not botched, I personally think this Windows will redeem the negatives of Vista. However, I'm using Vista, and really haven't had any problems with it. Before SP1, it was bad, but now it has come a long way.
Thanks for the info and links! They were quite helpful.
still beta, and will have some issues....vista, for all the bad press is actually pretty awesome. i notice no differences from xp now that its been out awhile and everything is compatible now..........even went back to xp for a bit, but just didn't like it as much anymore.....
as for windows 7, i will definately try it, hopefully like it, and probably will grow through the aches and pains of it! like i did with vista!