For the last few days' 2 cnet sites wont display properly in Firefox or IE7
I was wondering if it was just me having these problems?
For the last few days' 2 cnet sites wont display properly in Firefox or IE7
I was wondering if it was just me having these problems?
Coming up ok but text is garbled in some parts?
They're working fine for me on IE8 beta2
Okay on Opera
OK on IE7 with IE7Pro.
I had that garbled text exactly like what Humpty showed in his screenshot however after a few seconds it cleared up.
Get the same picture as Humpty, but only with JavaScript disabled, which is the way I have it most of the time.
Switch JavaScript on, and the picture displays as it should, animated.
Get the same picture as Humpty, but only with JavaScript disabled, which is the way I have it most of the time.
Switch JavaScript on, and the picture displays as it should, animated.
Hi Dennis
I have JavaScript on (enabled) in Firefox3 & IE7... but I'm still having problems
When I'm at for example CNET VIDEOS site and I mouse over a link> (NEWS VIDEOS) a message in the status bar say's> java script:Viod(0)
There is also a link to install/upgrade> "Adobe Flash Player version" well I already have it
I've noticed that I'm allso having the same problems at the CNET FREE SOFTWARE DOWNLOADS site as well' and clicking the (Reload) button doesn't help either.
Noscrpit was causing the garbled text here.As soon as I allowed a "" through noscript the text cleared up and the Becks Beer ad appears.FF3 here.
Maybe some FF users having probs can run through the image testing below which may pick something up?
Noscrpit was causing the garbled text here.As soon as I allowed a "" through noscript the text cleared up and the Becks Beer ad appears.FF3 here.
Maybe some FF users having probs can run through the image testing below which may pick something up?
Hi Humpty
I used the link you supplied for the Image Test & every thing works
It must just be those 3 CNN-CNET sites! because I have no problems with & News U.S. these sites work fine
I used to get similar problems a short while back after updating a lot of stuff. I had Adobe Flash version installed, but I'd only reinstalled one, and there's two, both with the same version number. Unless you already have both, it sounds like you're being asked to install the one that's missing.
There's a different Flash plugin for IE and Firefox. Things may work OK with only one, but you may also get some websites not displaying properly.
I also had the minor problem of Adobe no longer showing up in CCleaner/Applications/Multimedia. And it took a while to suss out this was the reason.
The Adobe Flash Player ActiveX is the Internet Explorer plugin, and the other one is Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Safari and Opera.
If you look at this Adobe Flash Player download page, you'll see the option to go to a different download for different browsers.
I also have Abobe Shockwave Player Version 11. Once again, you can probably get by without this, and once again, there are different versions for different browsers.
Adobe Shockwave Player Downloads:
Both the Flash Player and the Shockwave Player alternative browser links take you to this page, where you have the options of installing one or both for each browser. This page also contains download links to the respective Uninstallers, which you must use to remove any of these plugins.
Downloads of All Adobe Web Players and Uninstallers:
You can also check out as to whether your Flash Players and Shockwave player are working properly by going here:
Test Adobe Shockwave and Flash:
I dunno if this has anything to do with your problem craig, but the installing and use of Adobe Web Players is more complicated than a lot of people realise.
It's just a case of installing what you think you need. Simple really.
I used to get similar problems a short while back after updating a lot of stuff. I had Adobe Flash version installed, but I'd only reinstalled one, and there's two, both with the same version number. Unless you already have both, it sounds like you're being asked to install the one that's missing.
There's a different Flash plugin for IE and Firefox. Things may work OK with only one, but you may also get some websites not displaying properly.
I also had the minor problem of Adobe no longer showing up in CCleaner/Applications/Multimedia. And it took a while to suss out this was the reason.
The Adobe Flash Player ActiveX is the Internet Explorer plugin, and the other one is Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Safari and Opera.
If you look at this Adobe Flash Player download page, you'll see the option to go to a different download for different browsers.
I also have Abobe Shockwave Player Version 11. Once again, you can probably get by without this, and once again, there are different versions for different browsers.
Adobe Shockwave Player Downloads:
Both the Flash Player and the Shockwave Player alternative browser links take you to this page, where you have the options of installing one or both for each browser. This page also contains download links to the respective Uninstallers, which you must use to remove any of these plugins.
Downloads of All Adobe Web Players and Uninstallers:
You can also check out as to whether your Flash Players and Shockwave player are working properly by going here:
Test Adobe Shockwave and Flash:
I dunno if this has anything to do with your problem craig, but the installing and use of Adobe Web Players is more complicated than a lot of people realise.
It's just a case of installing what you think you need. Simple really.
Hi Dennis
Now I'm more confused.
In the CCleaner> Uninstall Programs list I have:
#Adobe Flash Player ActiveX...............for> IE7?
#Adobe Flash Player Plugin..................for> Firefox?
#Adobe Shockwave Player 11..............for> Firefox?
In the Firefox> Add-ons> Plugins list I have:
#Shockwave Flash 9.0r124
#Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.0
In the IE7> Tools> Internet Options> Programs> Manage Add-ons list I have:
#Shockwave ActiveX Control
#Shockwave Flash Object
Are the "blue highlighted" entries the same things? & are the "pink highlighted" entries the same things?
Dose all this look right?
As far as I can tell by looking at the list in CCleaner...IE7 only has Adobe Flash Player ActiveX?
I also have Abobe Shockwave Player Version 11. Once again, you can probably get by without this, and once again, there are different versions for different browsers.
Do I need to get Adobe Shockwave Player for IE7? because at Test Adobe Shockwave and Flash: while using Firefox or IE7 the test results for Adobe Shockwave Player & Adobe Flash Player are OK?...Installation Complete.
How do I know If I already have Adobe Shockwave Player for IE7?
How do I check for updates etc? I need to?
Sorry to throw so many questions at you Dennis
Edit> update:
After using the Uninstallers, I reinstalled Adobe Flash Player & Adobe Shockwave Player for Firefox 1st and then IE7.
It doesn't seem to have made any difference
Sorry I didn't get straight back to you, but your questions threw up some interesting points which I spent quite some time yesterday trying to make sense of. (For myself as well as you).
I found out a few interesting things about Flash and Shockwave plugins, so I've decided to start a new topic to see how my Flash/Shockwave installations compares with others.
Credit to you for starting the whole thing.