anybody's tried regscrub

I happened to find it when I was seeking something and gave it a go, seems all right, I'm not sure since I've just cleaned the reg recently. anyway, you can give it a try if interested, it seems clean.

I happened to find it when I was seeking something and gave it a go, seems all right, I'm not sure since I've just cleaned the reg recently. anyway, you can give it a try if interested, it seems clean.

Been using it for years now. Never seems to have been a problem. I have used RegCleaners, all of them that I could find. Some are gimmicks, some are great. But after running any of them I then ran XP Reg Scrub and it will always find an entry or two. If you do download and use it, try the Miscl and Help section. Might be surprised at the information and tweaks you find.

RegScrubXP was replaced by RegScrubVista but then the creator closed his website and went AWOL.

Something is seriously wrong.

I have both programs and they work flawlessly.

RegScrubXP was replaced by RegScrubVista but then the creator closed his website and went AWOL.

Something is seriously wrong.

I have both programs and they work flawlessly.

Didn't know about that. Do you see much difference in the Vista version? Wonder how I would find the new version. Maybe a Site somewhere that posts old out of date Programs will pick it up.

Now that you mentioned it, I just tried it.

Don't know yet how good it works or if it caused any trouble, but seemed work pretty ok.

The interface wasn't so good though...