Any precautions before using free wipe space?

I like the addition of free wipe space. My question is, should I take any precautions before using this feature or is it safe to go ahead anyway with everything checked?

The precaution I am taking is to wait to hear other's experiences, or at least wait until the documantation is available from Piriform. But then I don't really have the need for this feature at the moment.

I'm waiting as well... Not that I don't have confidence in Piriform but new featurures are exactly that... New. Always the chance of bugs and some of the posts since the new feature has been released have scared me!

"Wipe Free Space" is a new update in the latest version. I dont know how good it is or what it does. Please give some inputs. As o fnow all i know is that it taked much time to wipe free space.


I think it is a wast of time.

What is it good for?

What does it prove?

What do you have to hide?

Are you afraid of the FBI, CIA or Interpol because you are carrying out subversive acts?

Does your mom know you visit

I think it is a wast of time.

What is it good for?

What does it prove?

What do you have to hide?

Are you afraid of the FBI, CIA or Interpol because you are carrying out subversive acts?

Does your mom know you visit

I think cos EVERYONE has something to hide, whether they'd admit that or not :P

As for the feature I don't know what kind of wipe method it uses though I presume it's just a basic wipe of zeros as it took around 50 minutes on 69GB's of free space on my 120GB laptop drive without issue. I use Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit.

Yes, zeroes has been mentioned somewhere.

"Wipe Free Space" is a new update in the latest version. I dont know how good it is or what it does. Please give some inputs. As o fnow all i know is that it taked much time to wipe free space.


I would like to know more info and how to use it properly. I use windows XP SP3 and my GB is 75 total and 10 GB of free space.

I would like to know more info and how to use it properly. I use windows XP SP3 and my GB is 75 total and 10 GB of free space.

i had a few teething problems getting it to wipe my clean space at first as u can see by my posts but now have sorted it out with other members help like u say it is a new update which the is not much know about it so there is a lot guess work involved to iron the little problems but finally i got it to work it took about 550 seconds to complete the task i had 18gb of free space to clean as far as i can see it as done no harm to my laptop or my home pc

when you delete something of ur hard drive you only delete the shortcut so the program/files are left on the drive so when you run c/cleaner's "wipe free space" its replaces the programs/files with zeros

i find it ok to use


So I've been avoiding Eraser's 'wipe free space' utility because of some of the complications I read about on their forums. I've been using Ccleaner now for about six months after being referred to it from forums.

So, of course I was delighted when I saw that they had added a 'wipe free space' feature to the latest version. I didn't try it out at first until I had seen a little feedback on the forums here (or at least until some documentation became available). Well, checking back today I see that the documentation is there and some user comments in the forums (all good) so I decided to give it a try, using CcleanerPortable on a Hitachi Travelstar 60GB 7200 RPM hard drive using AMD Athlon 64 3700+ processor, with 35.5GB of free space to wipe.

After hitting the 'Run Cleaner' button the wiping began and immediately the screen showed the amount of free space available and next to that the percentage finished with the count of filespace being wiped as it was occuring (counting up from zero towards 35.5GB), and the percentage finished moving along with that. That was it and I noticed that it was moving along pretty quickly. It took about twenty-five minutes for the counter to reach 35.5GB, then about another five minutes while (I presume) the overwrite was deleted. Then it was finished and I then ran Recuva (as someone had suggested here) in 'Deep scan' mode and found about seventeen thousand files with (I would estimate) about twenty percent of them 1kb files (with filenames) showing 'excellent' and in the green for recovery and all the same 'unrecoverable' files that were there (i.e. with filenames and 'size on disk') when I ran Recuva before the wipe. I picked eight files out and they 'recuva'd' just fine. There were also a lot of zero byte files showing with garbled names (presumably the files that were used to 'overwrite') but everything else was there, too, especially all of the filenames of 'unrecoverable' files.

Any suggestions?
