Antivirus Disabled


First time of posting thread so somewhat hestitant which I am sure is appreciated.

I recently downloaded Speccy and unpon activating, under operating system it is showing that antivirus is disabled as can be clearly seen within quote / unquote


Operating System

MS Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit SP1

Installation Date: 04 November 2009, 15:53


Windows Security Center

User Account Control (UAC) Disabled

Firewall Enabled

Antivirus Disabled


To the best of my knowledge my antivirus is enabled. Can anyone enlighten me as to why it is being indicated as disabled.

Any further information requesting will be forwarded upon request


This is a known issue, Piriform is currently working to find the cause and fix for this.

You might want to block out the serial number in your post.

Thanks for the Headsup nikki I removed the SN from thier post.

apparently my steam account has been disabled for some reason can anyone help me figure out how to get it working again??

apparently my steam account has been disabled for some reason can anyone help me figure out how to get it working again??

o__O please start your own topic in the proper location for this question. Your query has nothing to do with Speccy, or even, as far as I can tell, any piriform products.