AntiVir Version7 problem

As a new user, I am am very insecure doing things that are second nature to most of you. I had AntiVir Version 6 on my computer. Have been prompted to upgrade and in doing so, I find that there are tons of bugs in the new version so I uninstalled that and went back to version 6. I have since been told that I must clean the registry of the old version 6 because it does not completely uninstall, then install the new version. Your product is recommended by AntiVir. It seems my problems always seem to be related to anti-virus programs. To make it worse, I'm a novice(at 63) and hardly understand the terminology. Is it possible for me to mess up the cleaning of the registry with your program? Will it require me to do things that are not obvious to a beginner? Your help will be appreciated.I have Spybot, Ad-Aware, SpywareBlaster plus the Microsoft anti-spyware program. Overkill? I don't know. I don't care what Antivirus program I use, just need one that is user friendly. Seems there is very little in the way of tutorials out there. I read your information, it seems clear enough...just checking. With thanks

Yes, CCleaner is user friendly. Have you installed CCleaner already? If so, which version, and which build? We suggest that you install CCleaner v1.27 Basic build, or slim build (depending on your language needs).

CCleaner Downloads Reboot after installation.

Open CCleaner > (leave default settings for now) > click "Run CCleaner"

Now click "Issues" (on the left) > click "Scan for Issues" > click "Fix selected Issues" : Answer yes to "Would you like to create a backup?" Save the backup in a place that you won't forget (desktop maybe).

After a few days have passed, and you don't need the backup remember to delete it.

Feel free to ask any more questions. :)

One more thing. If you want an easy to use Antivirus click Here. Uninstall your antivirus first.

Thank you for the quick answer, I need all the help I can get. I have not downloaded it yet, too nervous. How long does the cleaner take to do its job? Can't find that answer anywhere. Now I see that I will end up with a new toolbar? What would happen if I uninstalled ccleaner after it does its job. Perhaps reinstalled it every few months. Would that cure the toolbar problem? I really don't want to see all that extra stuff on my home page. That is not by most important concern. Between this issue (and, do I understand that ccleaner is changing things too?) and the AnviVir issue, I'm a wreck. Thanks for your input.

Thank you for the quick answer, I need all the help I can get. I have not downloaded it yet, too nervous. How long does the cleaner take to do its job? Can't find that answer anywhere.

It just takes a few minutes.

Now I see that I will end up with a new toolbar?

I suggested the basic build, and the slim build because neither of them have the toolbar. Click the link that I gave you and download whichever one that you need. Slim build is english only, and the basic build has multi-language options. Pick the one that you need.

What would happen if I uninstalled ccleaner after it does its job.

You won't be able to reinstall the backup (although you probably won't need to anyway). And why would you want to uninstall it. You should run it at least once a week.

Perhaps reinstalled it every few months.

Too much work, and not necessary.

Would that cure the toolbar problem?

Download one of the toolbar-free builds, and you won't have a toolbar problem.

I really don't want to see all that extra stuff on my home page. That is not by most important concern.

huh? What extra stuff?

Between this issue (and, do I understand that ccleaner is changing things too?) and the AnviVir issue, I'm a wreck. Thanks for your input.

CCleaner is cleaning crap off of your computer. CCleaner means CrapCleaner! ;) Follow the steps that I gave for downloading, and running CCleaner. Then decide which Antivirus you wish to use.

Any more questions? :)

To the point: The easiest and one of the most effective antivirus programs is eTrust EZ Antivirus, it simply doesn't get much easier to use a antivirus program as the default settings are properly configured to deal viruses a lethal blow. You can currently get a fully functional free 1 year trial of eTrust EZ Antivirus by going here. Also it's less likely to give false positives versus the likes of AntiVir which has been known for giving false positives.

I have Spybot, Ad-Aware, SpywareBlaster plus the Microsoft anti-spyware program. Overkill? I don't know.

It's not overkill, that's being very smart by layering your protection since one program may find something another doesn't detect or can't fully remove.

To the point: The easiest and one of the most effective antivirus programs is eTrust EZ Antivirus, it simply doesn't get much easier to use a antivirus program as the default settings are properly configured to deal viruses a lethal blow. You can currently get a fully functional free 1 year trial of eTrust EZ Antivirus by going here. Also it's less likely to give false positives versus the likes of AntiVir which has been known for giving false positives.

:lol: We gave the same link called here. I should given a description with the link. :P

:lol: We gave the same link called here. I should given a description with the link. :P

Mine isn't the same link as yours! :P Mine goes to the page with EZAV on it. ;) That MS page link you gave shows multiple AV scanners so who knows what yy4me would end up choosing such as the horrible Norton AV.

That MS page link you gave shows multiple AV scanners so who knows what yy4me would end up choosing such as the horrible Norton AV.


Lets hope not! Especially when there are FREE AV scanners that aren't trial versions and work better than Norton could ever hope to.

Mine isn't the same link as yours! :P Mine goes to the page with EZAV on it. ;) That MS page link you gave shows multiple AV scanners so who knows what yy4me would end up choosing such as the horrible Norton AV.

Lord Have Mercy!!!! I copied, and pasted it from another thread...thought it was a direct link. Well, in that case.

Scratch my link, and use Andavari's! :P

Andavari catches my typo error, and now my link error's. ;) Many thanks my friend.