i've seen that this has been changed. but as it was a longtime ago avira changed or will change tommorow these keys
the new regkey will be: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Avira
an last year there was a release of the avira suite. this one is similar to the other avira products.
this is the regkey for detection if it is installed:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Avira\Premium Security Suite
and a question.
you're deleting the infected folder of antivir. i don't think that this is a godd idea, cause this folder ist used to quarantine objects for checking them later on or restoring if they were false positives.
Here is how (and why) i have tweaked some AntivirPE Classic entries in winapp.ini.
[AntiVir PE Classic]LangSecRef=3024Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\H+BEDV\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic V 7Default=TrueFileKey1=%allusersprofile%\Dati Applicazioni\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\FAILSAVE|*.*
Note: This path doesn't exist. Exist BACKUP\FAILSAFE (not FAILSAVE) but in that
folder are stored some backup files needed in case the originals become corrupted or infected.
IMNSHO is absolutely unsafe delete them!
FileKey2=%allusersprofile%\Dati Applicazioni\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\INFECTED|*.*FileKey3=%allusersprofile%\Dati Applicazioni\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\LOGFILES|*.*FileKey4=%allusersprofile%\Dati Applicazioni\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\SYSSAVE|*.*
Note: The folder SYSSAVE doesn't exist. Exist SYSSAFE and IMO is not safe empty
this folder, as said above.
FileKey5=%allusersprofile%\Dati Applicazioni\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\TEMP|*.*|RECURSE
Note: Here 'RECURSE' is needed, since in this TEMP folder are stored some empty subfolders
FileKey6=%allusersprofile%\Dati Applicazioni\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\UPDATE|*.*FileKey7=%allusersprofile%\Dati Applicazioni\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\REPORTS|*.*FileKey8=%allusersprofile%\Dati Applicazioni\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\EVENTS|*.*
Note: This path must point to the EVENTDB (and not EVENTS) folder, in order to delete
a file named avavtdb.dbe, where is stored the history of events shown in the application UI.
FileKey9=%ProgramFiles%\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic|*.old
In English version must replace the string '\Dati Applicazioni\' with '\Application Data\'.
I have no idea about german Windows versions.
NOTE !!! The above tweaks works fine on my PC, but try it is at your risk! Be careful.
I'm just an average user of CCleaner, nothing more ![:)]()