Another useful part of Defraggler

:rolleyes:? :lol: I put in my 100 MB Zip drives. At The top it has "Action" and select Defrag Drive.? Much to my surprise :o , the 6 zip drives are now 4 with two empty ones. The red turns yellow and another shows as green and it will end up blue!!

It is better than WINXP Home Edition for I can see all the files listed, check which ones have .LOG and then I can search for them in their location, using Search. IE WindowsUpdate.LOG is Windows Update, TZ.LOG is just TZ.I go to the top of each of these overloaded items and select Edit-Select All, Delete and Save. It even lists their locations. Darrell aka darclew3 :lol:

I am a-awaitng for the next RC!!!